Game Start

"So, what is it?" Without wasting any time, Elias asked Serenia, who sat across from him.

"I want two things."

"Firstly, I would like to change my personal maid, Sarah." Serenia stated calmly. "Not only does she act out of line, she also spreads bad rumors about me. Including the fact that I apparently go crazy when my demands aren't met, is easy to manipulate with flowery words, and so on. She doesn't deserve her position."

"..I see. If that's your decision, then so be it. I will have another maid assigned to you very soon." Elias smiled gently.

Obviously, he knew about this issue from long ago. He has been keeping tabs at her nonstop, after all. There was no way he was in the dark about Serenia's bad reputation. He had no plans on fixing it, though.

Besides, Sarah wasn't an important chess piece to him. She was indeed one of his people, but still an easily replaceable pawn. Staying beside someone like Serenia, anybody can do that.

"No," Serenia abruptly said. "Not just another maid, but Alia."

"Alia..?" Elias raised a brow. "Surely, you don't mean the girl you just saved yesterday, Alia Thorne?"

"Precisely her. I'm glad you've been informed of her presence.. This makes everything easier. Which brings me to my second request.. I want her, Alia Thorne as my personal maid. In fact, she will be my only maid. No one else will be permitted." Serenia stated.

"You're.. making quite the hard demand, Saintess." Elias' tone hardened, as if he was subtly warning Serenia to move back. "You only want one maid serving you?"

"Yes. I believe that one maid is enough to attend to my needs. Besides.. I don't find the idea of having a lot of people in my personal space, where I am vulnerable a great idea." Serenia sighed.

"First Cardinal, I don't think you realize how heartbroken I am. I have been suspicious of Sarah's real intentions from a while back, but I chose to turn a blind eye because I still had hopes that it was just a fluke, that she was still loyal to me. However, the pain of betrayal accumulating all this time was just getting.. too much." Serenia shed a tear, sniffling as she poured her heart out.

"Saintess.." Elias was surprised by her outburst of pure, raw emotions.

It felt different from all the past encounters, where all Serenia did was whine and unreasonably use said emotions to make others do her bidding.

"I.. I'm really not ready to let others in just yet. I'll reconsider it in the future, but for now.. I think I should at least have control over who is constantly around me, attending to my needs, and caters to my daily routine. Am I wrong?" Serenia wiped her tears and put up a brave front.

"..No." Elias sighed, finally succumbing to her.

Although agreeing would mean that his source of intel would decrease, it would still be possible to keep a close eye on her outside her personal chambers.

He also didn't think that the Saintess would be capable of doing anything too grand out of his sight.

Thus, he permitted it.

Which would ultimately become his first mistake.. A grave one, at that.

The Saintess' personal chambers were truly hard to get in.

The only one who would be capable of entering without giving prior permission would be Elias, the First Cardinal himself. Even for him, it would be quite strange. It was simply not proper.

Such a rumor getting out of the Palace would be detrimental to his reputation.

In the first place, if it weren't for all the maids and guards working for him, he shouldn't have been able to get in and out like that.

'The guards are a problem too... I need to replace them one day, but not too soon.' Serenia planned.

She had to play carefully for now. If she tried to remove the guards too, Elias will begin to suspect that something is truly wrong and try to increase his control.

'I'll retreat here for today. Before he can detect anything strange..' Serenia gently closed her eyes.

"Good. I didn't think so too! I knew you would be reasonable and make a good judgement." Serenia said, hiding a triumphant smile below her facade. "That's all I have to say. Please remove Sarah out of my sight by tomorrow. I can't stand having the thought of her loitering around my chambers for even a second longer.. This applies to the other maids as well."

To end it off, she showed a spiteful look as she gazed far away, strengthening her act and story.

"I wouldn't want to hinder your work any longer than this. I apologize for taking your time up.. I should go back now." Serenia pretended like she was still deeply hurt and emotionally turbulent. She then stood up and nodded lightly with a smile towards Elias and Damian, before leaving for good.

Even after she left, Elias was still frozen in silence. He kept looking at Serenia's seat, which was now empty in deep thoughts.

It wasn't just a fluke. He had felt it before, and it happened again today. Serenia.. was acting out of character. She was changing.

'Interesting.' He thought.

"Oh.. Whatever shall I do?" Elias snickered.

He was a possessive person. He didn't really like Serenia, but she was a useful pawn. Easy to manipulate and handle, even though it could turn out to be troublesome at times.

'Serenia' was regarded as one of his possessions.

The doll he carefully crafted slipping out of his control was not a pleasant feeling. It would never be. He had to fix this issue immediately to soothe the annoying itch in his heart.

Elias crossed his legs, tapping rhythmically as he planned out his next moves.

"Damian!" Elias called out, surprising the young man.

"Y-Yes?" Damian replied weakly.

"Tell the others.. to keep a closer eye to the Saintess. Have someone ready to watch her at all times. The moment she steps out of the chamber, track her down. If anything is out of the ordinary, immediately report back to me." Elias ordered.

His eyes shone in a cold glint, like a carnivore excited to jump on its newfound prey.

The game was on.