Stage Clear!

Instantly, a sparkling, bright golden light began to manifest, covering half of the patient are in one go.

'Oh wow. Only half?' Serenia winced at the energy it used up and did her best to control the spell.

She felt like she was connected with each and every one of the patients, being able to accurately point out what was wrong with them and give them suitable treatments, launching it all at the same time.

However, doing it this way did make her have to focus extremely hard to process all the information, and it also took longer to do.

'I don't want to do it twice.' Serenia closed her eyes and tweaked around with the area of control she had, increasing the mana output at the same time.

The golden circle she formed grew bigger, drawing even more attention from the people around her. It could be said that the entire hall was looking at her at this point, wondering what she was trying to do with the flashy display.

Serenia could care less about them. She felt like she already did enough to guarantee all of their safety and opened her eyes. She saw all of them beginning to regain consciousness and heaved a sigh of relief. It meant that her spells really did work the way it was meant to.

'It was a rather spontaneous decision, but.. It was worth it.' Serenia smiled in victory.

However, as she began to celebrate, she was quickly hit with a sharp pain in her head. A longlasting migraine that didn't go away even after she applied healing magic to herself.

[Warning. You have overused your magical energy.]

'I don't need you to tell that...!' Serenia grumbled.

'To be fair, I did go ham with my mana usage... I didn't pay attention to it at all.'

"O-Our Saintess is so strong!! Waaahhh!!!" One guy realized what just happened and voiced out.

That one loud shout incited the others to do the same- praising their Saintess and crowding over her. They collectively thanked Serenia for healing them with her brilliant powers. Multiple people, especially those who had a more serious injury than the rest even cried and groveled in joy.

[Your charisma and deeds have touched multiple people's hearts and instilled hope in them. They are very thankful towards you and regard you highly.]

[Faith points: 100/100]

[The second stage has been completed.]

[Reward: Rechargeable access key to the . Favorability sensor.]

[Faith points: 213/1000]

Those four notification windows were all it took for Serenia to rise and shine again. She felt an enormous amount of power flow through her. As if she did not just finish healing tens of people in one go.

'How great.' Serenia smirked, in awe of the system's ability and convenience.

'It was the right choice to do it all out like this.'

If these people weren't healed at the same time, the surprise effect she got would've been much less than this. They wouldn't think of her as that great of a healer.

With her newfound strength, Serenia managed to stand up and go sit in a nicer place, away from all the commotion. She shut out the thundering cheering from the people she saved and regulated her heavy breathing to aid her recovery.

Noticing that their beloved savior seemed to be troubled and needed some peace, the rowdy crowd slowly dimmed down in order to not disturb her rest. They only observed her from afar, watching out for any potential help she needed.

Within minutes, Serenia was already fully recovered and approached one of the healers stationed at the deadly injured section. The stench of death was much more prevalent in this area.

A quick scan allowed Serenia to roughly understand the severity of their injuries.

She stood beside a patient who had a huge claw mark decorating his shoulders down to his abdomen. It was clear that whatever monster this guy faced, it was extremely ferocious. Logically, these people must've worn sturdy armor and clothing while battling, but those things were completely useless in protecting them.

"Hey! Stay back- Oh dear. I-I'm sorry! I was too preoccupied with my healing spells.. I didn't take a proper look at who I was talking to." The healer with a dark purple robe- signifying that he was a senior healer timidly bowed his head after recognizing Serenia.

Hierarchies in the Palace were assigned a specific color to each role.

It started at light blue, to yellow, purple, red, and finally, white- the color that only people like Elias and her were able to wear.

The healers handling this section all had purple robes except for some yellow robed ones from the lack of manpower.

"It's alright. Rather than that.. How is he?" Serenia picked up a rag from the side and wiped off some sweat and tears that formed on the patient's face.

"..I can't guarantee that he will survive. Although he wasn't hit in vital places, he bled out too much. The worst thing is, the bleeding doesn't seem to be stopping no matter how much I try to seal the wound.. It's like a curse has been placed on him. His wounds are not a death sentence, but if he keeps losing blood like this.. It will be." The healer replied.

"A curse..?" Serenia narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing the man's large gash one more time.

"Saintess, you were the one who saved them, right? All at once? Can you do the same thing to these people as well?" The healer had high expectations.

Even though he has been in full focus mode for a long time, he couldn't help but turn to look at Serenia's section after such a loud myriad of voices rang free. He was surprised to hear that the Saintess, which typically would not even heal a single person on a regular basis suddenly came here and performed such a feat. It reformed his opinion on the Saintess.

"I..." Serenia looked left and right and saw that the other healers in the vicinity were actually listening on to the conversation. They looked forward to her response.