Part 11

Solomon entered the White entrance chamber to the medical bay, he walked through the sliding doors revealing the medical room. To Solomon's surprise, Sandra was not the only patient in the room. Two soldiers and one of the ships mechanics were sat on the beds, talking to the medical staff.

Decius sat on the far bed nearest to the Nurses Office, with his left foot and ankle bandaged, Solomon could see him throwing his head back taking pills from a paper cup, probably pain killers and shuddering as they defiantly slid down his throat. A soldier from the Second Company that Solomon did not know by name was holding an icepack to the bottom of his knee while Doctor Fredrick checked for concussions with his pen-torch, and the mechanic seemed to have a rather nasty burn across her forearm, she was self-applying a cooling gel to the skin. Doctor Fredrick looked up and acknowledged Solomon as he entered. Fredrick's white coat always seemed to swallow the man's small frame always dressed in his olive base fatigues, he always brought a smile to Solomon's face, even the thought of the man made him smile. It was his childlike voice, always too high, almost squeaky, it usually did bring your mood up when he was telling you things, as they sounded like a little boy telling you a professional opinion.

Sandra sat up with a smile of relief spreading across her face at the sight of Solomon entering. The auburn-haired nurse taking notes of Sandra's Vitals and checking her for concussions with her pen-torch. "Solomon, I'm so sorry, I didn't stop whoever it was." she burst out before Solomon could even cover half of the distance from the door to her bed. Solomon quickened his pace as she began to record what she heard and saw about the man banging into something and limping away before she passed out. Solomon raised an eyebrow and cast an eye over to Decius who let out a groan after falling back onto his bed from trying to walk, and then over to the soldier from the second company holding the icepack. "Wearing Olive Base... so Military or at least Posing as Military staying at this station..." Muttered Solomon thinking, not wanting to instantly incriminate his new team member, or somebody from the Second Company so easily "So, he limped away from you after he struck you? And that was after you heard a loud noise and him swearing... so he hurt himself..." said Solomon looking up towards the Nurses Office to where Decius was limping to the sliding window to sign himself out. "Who's to say it wasn't a she? Women can do bad things too, Lieutenant Commander." smirked the Nurse with the auburn hair as she folded away her vitals datapad. Doctor Frederick came over to check on Sandra, "I concur Lieutenant Commander, you can't rule out either." He said in his youthful boyish voice "Eve, contact Captain Sinderman and get a security team to position themselves outside the Med bay, just as a precaution." said Solomon in a low voice, Sandra squirmed uneasily with Solomon sounding suddenly very serious with a hint of hurt in his voice. Decius limped towards the Exit of the Medical Bay, almost eager to leave the room as Solomon smoothly placed himself between him and the way out. "Good morning, Private, how did you manage to hurt yourself?"

Decius looked guiltily up at Solomon, not wanting to meet his stare, and tried to limp past him, but Solomon easily placed himself in his way once again "Er... Sir, I...Erm... was inside the Armoury and dropped an ammo can on my foot" said Decius in a breaking voice. Solomon looked at him questionably "and at what time? about three hours ago?" Decius blankly stared at Solomon before saying "Must be, yes, about that, why?" Solomon asked Eve if Decius was speaking the truth. "Standby, checking now." Decius was taken aback by the voice. "She's checking if you were there today and at a specific time an incident took place." explained Solomon folding his arms. Captain Sinderman entered the Room walking fast. "Eve said you wanted me down here, what's with the security team outside?" asked Kyril. Before Solomon could answer his Commanding Officer, Eve came back. "I can confirm that Decius Quil has not entered the Armoury, he is awaiting to be assigned his clearance code from command. I am unable to find Private Decius Quil's whereabouts for the given incident, however, Sergeant Miller of the second company is accounted for on mechanical floor six, sector three during the incident. My apologies Sir." Kyril looked from Solomon to Decius before saying "Mr Quil, you are to be held in the Ships Brig until you either tell us the truth and confess what you have done to my ship, or until we figure this thing out ourselves. Security Team Echo, take him away."

A team of six soldiers wearing white combat fatigues and navy-blue long-sleeved tops, supporting black combat harnesses entered the room, their helmets attached at their waists and white rifles lowered. "Come with us, Sir." said the lead soldier. Decius stammered trying to get too many words out at once but could only manage "B-but... but... w-what?" he said in a shaken voice limping down the room escorted by the security. Solomon shared his worry with Kyril about the functionality of the ship. "Sir, he's assigned to my Company... he's fresh, new in. And does not seem to possess many talents of a military or strategy nature yet... I fear, someone has put him up to this. Unless we find out exactly what he has done to this ship, we will not be able to be on our way."

Solomon said goodbye to Sandra and told her he would see the doctor later tonight and see if he could get her out and about from the medical bay. The auburn-haired nurse assured Solomon that she should be ready to leave as soon as the tests get back in two hours, assuming there was nothing wrong with them. Solomon and Kyril made their way back to the Command Bridge to inspect their Diagnostics once more. Kyril was halfway through his work, when he sat down with a great sigh. "Sol... we're going to have to put off the expedition until we can sort this nightmare out. Inform the other Captains for me, please?" asked Kyril in a tired voice, rubbing his eyes. "Yes, sir." breathed Solomon defeated, and skulked away.