day after – part two.

For Lux Animation, under a confidentiality agreement, they had a clear idea of how much money the boss had. But expressing wealth in such a broad stroke, were the newspapers exaggerating? Or was it simply a hidden truth for the company? Unlike most businesses that barely generated profits after covering all expenses and operational costs, the basic and ironic directive that Billy had a lot of money could be attributed to his unchecked investments in the stock market.

In an office on the fifth floor of the grand Lux Animation building, Anne Hall reviewed the press sent by her collaborators while making a list of requests with the legal team regarding the attack. Simultaneously, she spoke with agent Jim Waitt, not wasting any time, checking her messages.

-Jim, for now, we will enhance our security. I must say I feel perturbed by how the situation is unfolding, but it's something Billy has been expecting for some time. For now, I recommend silence, though I tend to believe Billy is somewhat passive... I understand, and I agree we have to strike. However, I believe spending money isn't enough. I've already mobilized Thomas's law firm, and they will thoroughly review every article in the press to file necessary lawsuits, - Anne said.

-Lawsuits, Anne? Matters shouldn't be handled this way based on a series of rumors, - Jim Waitt replied.

-On the contrary, they attacked Billy's reputation as a creator. I reviewed the creation and the work he put into the comics. Any alert about ghostwriters, copyright theft, and ridicule of the comic's image will be treated with the same severity other companies use. There are limits... and they've crossed those limits, - Anne said.

-I can't deny it! As long as they're just corporate images, they can take all necessary actions, - Jim Waitt said, chewing on Anne's words with some difference. Indeed, Billy wasn't just an actor; he was an entrepreneur. The legal attack could be deadly for a circle of newspapers. The San Francisco Chronicle was facing an unimaginable attack from Lux Animation.

This prompted the hiring of a team to assess the impact of the words spoken, as well as assertions and questions about the company's operations.

-Therefore, it only remains to add that once you finalize the hiring of the security team, I will personally make the adjustments to formalize payments with the security company, - Anne said.

-Very well, I'll send the documents to your fax once the requests are made, - Jim Waitt said.

Anne hung up the phone, and took a deep sigh, knowing it wasn't a good idea for Billy to delve into the entertainment world. For apparent reasons: privacy, time, and politics. More than enough reasons to explain that it would only create a big explosion in the future. Logic dictated that if you were good at something, you should stick to it.

The main reason, is the shadows bring problems. Exposure is the biggest folly a person can desire. Her phone was filled with messages from many of her employers who, even if they didn't show it, were somewhat lost by how things were unfolding. It wasn't all bad; fast food sales surged with quick words from the company's administrators, increasing dramatically by 100%, along with comic sales, which started to distinguish the truth of some claims and gossip denied by ardent fans who, from the bottom of their hearts, idolized Billy for his quality of delivering incredible stories, and why they should read him.

Lastly, but no less important, a call from Microsoft at Lux Comics' doorstep. As subsidiary motives, Microsoft had wanted to take over the company Autodesk since 1991, and requested licensing for the animation studio, with the cancellation at the beginning of the year and the implementation of software separately from Autodesk's main services, the Pixar studio, advanced computer image software.

With a list of departments on the table, Anne's beautiful cheeks were red with indignation over what had happened to Billy. She dialed Rachel's operations department phone, her heart racing at the thought of Billy going out with many girls, the shell of the prince charming cracking for the rough and burgeoning playboy, who couldn't stop provoking fantasies in Rachel, a young love inexperienced woman.

She received a call from her boss, and her body awakened from the dream she was living. - Yes, Director, - Rachel said nervously over the phone. Luckily, Raimon was planning some advances with Jim Gianopulus, and she could avoid the embarrassment of being questioned.

-Rachel, we'll have a meeting with an envoy from Microsoft from Seattle. I want you to be in the meeting with the new employee we hired. Jasper is a Stanford graduate like you; you might even know him. I hope you carry out the negotiation, - Anne said.

She hung up the phone, cutting the conversation with Rachel, and called Sarah Robles, the advertising department director, responsible for promoting products. Now that the channel was on the air, it was responsible for airing some commercials of the company itself, along with commercials for well-known brands like Mattel, Hasbro, Action Figures, Burger King, Lego, and the company's productions, like trailers for animated movies, Bugs, among others published by other companies, such as Casper.

-Sarah, I need you to launch a large-scale advertising campaign for Studio Pixar to attract several buyers, new animation studios wanting to be part of our subscription licenses. We need to cover at least ten extra subscriptions, not counting schools, - Anne said.

-Understood, boss. I'll organize the schedule and contact Rumino Denver, - Sarah said, aware of the latest service the company offers: digital software.


-It was somewhat rushed, but the job was done by the Warner Express hooligans, - said a voice, dark behind the curtain, in a grand mansion, a massive property. The wealth of the place could be seen in its antiquity, the elegant furnishings, the desk, the library books dating back years, paintings, and carpets. Everything screamed opulence.

-The young man is successful, Your Honor. He's handsome, wealthy, and hardworking. A future husband for Amelia would be nothing short of perfect. With your sponsorship and the family's unity, you can leverage your influence on the list, - said an old man in a suit, perhaps around 70 years old, with a butler standing confidently, stoic and rigid, by his side.

-Amelia is a very rebellious girl, taking after her mother - my daughter-in-law. She enjoys parties, scandals, and misbehavior. Mr. Carson, two years her senior, fits the profile well, even if he doesn't follow Catholic interests; he acts like a staunch Protestant, - said the old man, facing the voice, which listened to the words in total silence, with great attention, wearing a maroon tie and a gray vest.

-We'll see if he can survive the business blows. He could be an important part of the family. My son, a fool, and my grandsons aren't worth much. They rely on the money that's handed down, which embarrasses me. My brother's line turned out to be more mature, - said the man, with a powerful voice, to the old man, though their ages weren't very far apart.

-A succession war is not something we desire. You can still correct your grandson, Charles, although somewhat timid, he is measured and follows orders. With Amelia's brilliant support behind him, he might establish order, - the counselor replied again.

-True words. It will be one of our many plans, - said the man in a low voice, hoping this one wouldn't be lost like so many others.
