Let's not meet ever again

Fang bi gan looked angry when I arrived. It may be because his plan to sell me didn't work out. My father was also there. All were ready to make a scene.

So was I.

"I..I was at ho..hotel."

"Hah so you spent night with another man at hotel.",...Fang Gui

"A..ask your brother ab..about that."

"So you are putting blame on my son now. You shameless bitch.",...Pang Jei ( We didn't beat her these days so she could be sold to Mr Wang but she ruined it all tch.)

"You are the shameless one and you are putting your blame on me. Look father in law what she has done, she slept with another man other than her husband.",...Fang bi gan ( Mr Wang called me and said that he waited whole night but this bitch wasn't there. Whatever it is today I will kick her out her here.)

"This is unacceptable. How dare you fool around. You have disgraced Wei family's name. I will kick you out of the family(scream)"

"Yes I always knew she was like this I kept disciplining her but look at this shameless bitch if she still stays as Fang family's daughter in law our family's doom is near. It would have been good if Wei Zing was our daughter in law."

"It would have better if you disappeared after doing shameless thing...

"Wh..why should I? It is all because o..of bi gan that it h..happened."

"You are still slandering my son you shameless bitch!!!"

Pang Jei was about to hit me. Just then...

"Wait a minute Madam. You can't hit her.",... Lawyer Gu Yifan

"Who are you to interfere in our family business?",... Pang Jei

"Gu Yifan?",...Fang bi gan

"(whisper)Who is he Bi Gan?",...Wei Zing

"(whisper)He is a top lawyer. Whoever has him as there lawyer they will never lose."

"Who am I you ask?(smirk) I am her lawyer Gu Yifan"

" Her Lawyer? Why? ",...Fang bi gan

"Miss Wei wants to divorce with you so she asked for my help."

"Hah that's what I should be saying? I want to divorce her because she cheated on me."

"(smirk) Mr Fang we have collected all the evidence that you were the one who took miss wei to the hotel and many other things. Do you want me to disclose it here."

"What...what are you trying to say?"

"What I am trying to say is that you have two options that Miss Wei has given to you either you surrender yourself voluntarily by giving miss Wei alimony or..."

"What if I don't?" ( If Gu Yifan takes her side then it will all be over I can't take anything from her.)

"If you don't then, Prepare yourself to fight against the lawsuit for domestic violence with me as her lawyer. I know all the things that you and your family has done to Miss Wei so make your decision wisely."

"What?!",...Fang bi gan

"Do whatever you want but she is not getting penny from my son and...

"Stop mom. (Whisper) He is a top lawyer and he has never lost any case till now if we fight against him the. we will lost for sure."

"...",...Pang Jei

"So have you made your decision?"

"Wei Jia haven't said anything I will only believe it if she says she wants to divorce me. Wei Jia please think properly I am your husband. I will treat you very nicely from now on."

Fang bi gan tried to touch me but due to automatic response of abuse I flinched.

"Mr Fang please refrain from touching my client."

"N..no You were never m..my husband. You have n..never treated me like y..your wife once in duration o..of our marriage and you were d..dead to me the moment y..you sold me to Mr Wang for money."

"(Tch how did this Wei Jia became like this? This good for nothing bitch. She just got lucky for getting Gu Yifan as her lawyer."

"J..just divorce me."

"Did you listen her? Make the wise decision Mr Fang "

"hmf Alright. I will divorce her."

"Then sign these divorce papers."

"How did you prepared these so fast?",...Fang Gui

"Don't you know who I am! And Mr Wei please sign these."

"Huh me? Why?"

"These are official papers about cutting off the father- daughter relationship of you and Miss Wei."

"Hmf I was going to do it anyways."

When Mr Gu came to discuss in hotel I also told him that I wanted to cut my relationship with my father. That's why he prepared those documents. He really prepared so fast.

"A..after what happened with m..me yesterday I don't want a.. anything to do with y..you people. I bet you w..were waiting for this o..opportunity Mr Wei."

" I only have one daughter that is Wei Zing."

"R..right you always had o..only one daughter in your eyes."

Fang Bi gan signed divorce papers under the pressure of Mr Gu and father also signed the papers.

"Th..then let's not meet ever a..again Mr Fang and M..mr Wei."