
It has been three weeks since I came here. Cai said that he would rarely come here but from what I have seen he comes here daily. When I asked him why he says...

"Your food is delicious it reminds me of my grandmother so I want to eat it every day."

He also brings me various gifts. I don't know why but when he bought gift for first time he said he found it in his office.

"Take it!"

"W..what is it ? I don't w..want to take much from you."

"I just found it in my office. If you need it you can take otherwise throw it away."

"W..why throwing away?"

"Because I don't need it. It is female watch ."

"T..then I will keep"

Who would just find expensive watch in their office? After that he kept on bringing those type of gift. I was tired of refusing so I just accepted it.

Then one day...

" need to go b.. business trip."

"Yes I will be gone for two weeks."


"You look pale. Don't exhaust yourself too much. I have tonight's flight."


After Cai went on business trip I became sick. It was as if my luck went with him. Sometimes I had headache sometimes stomach pain and sometimes fever.

Maybe something is really wrong with me.

For one week straight I was sick. I thought I will be okay after rest and taking some medicine but instead of being okay more problems were arising.



I didn't have much appetite yesterday and today I was vomiting. I think there is something wrong with me.

" I will go to h.. hospital. I need a check u..up as soon as p.. possible."

At hospital

"Next, Si Qian Jin.",... hospital staff



"I will do some test as you described your symptoms"


After a while

"You can come after two days to collect your reports."

" o..okay."

They did 3-4 tests is something really wrong with me. I am scared.

After two days

"After seeing your results it seems that you are pregnant. It has only been about 5 weeks."




"You need to take care of your health now. The first trimester of pregnancy is very critical period..

Doctor was saying many sorts of things but I was so shocked that I couldn't listen any of it.

"Or do you have thoughts of abortion?"

"A.. abortion?"

"If you have thoughts about that you need to make decision fast because once you pass the certain period you can't abort the child. If you want to have a child, then next time you can come with your husband for check up."


In a daze I left the hospital. I didn't know what to do. I was pregnant from the accidental night. Although I was staying with Cai I only work for him.

If I tell him will he let me keep the child? What if he tells me to abort?

What should I do!

I want to keep the child.