Search her!

"...ring... ring... Why is president calling me now he just left for his home even though I told him there is tons of work left."

"Hello sir.",... Secretary Zong

"Secretary Zong search for Wei Jia."


"Search where she is right now. I need it within one hour."

I was anxious. At first I helped her because I thought I was bound to take my responsibility for what I did to her but now she became my habit and OBSESSION. I needed her in my life.

My thoughts were killing me. What if something bad happened to her?

"...ring...ring.. Hello!"

"Sir today in morning she was seen boarding on the bus with her luggage."

"On bus?"

"Yes sir."

"Where was she going?"

"I will tell that after I get information sir."

"Do it fast."

Where did she go suddenly? We were living happily. Was there anything she was disappointed with why did she do that?

After a while I got information that she was on the bus that was going to countryside. I immediately left the house to find her.

"Prepare car we are going there immediately."


I finally reached the village I grew up. Many things have changed. I hope my child grow up happily (places hand on stomach).

Next day

"Wei Jia you are back? But it is not the death anniversary of your grandmother.",... neighborhood aunty Jei

"I..I am going to here from now o..on."

"Didn't you got married?"

"I..I am divorced"

"Ok take care I have to go to field. If you need anything ask Xiao mei."


Neighbors here are very good. My grandmother helped them in the past so they are kind to me.

I think I can survive with the money I have right now. I also got alimony thanks to Mr Fu. I will work after I give birth.


I searched for her but I couldn't find her. The bus she left had many destinations so I don't know where she left. I didn't know where she went. So I had to return.

There must be some reason for her to leave. She didn't leave for about one week after I left but she suddenly left four days before I came. Something must have happened in that duration.

"Secretary Zong Report every activities of Wei Jia after I left."

"Yes sir."


"Sir after you left for about one week her daily life is same. Going to to market and then staying at home. She didn't went anywhere and didn't met anyone but...


"After about one week she went to hospital. After two days she again went to hospital and the next day she left." she went to hospital. Something must have happened at hospital so she acted like that.

"Did you find out why she went to hospital?"

"We couldn't sir. They said they can't disclose patient's medical term."

"Prepare the car, I going hospital."

"Yes sir."

Next chapter (preview)

"Who are you of Miss Wei Jia?",... Doctor

"I am her husband."