
The one who I saw after coming out from washroom was Fang Bi gan. As soon as I saw him a scaring feeling came from my heart.

"You bitch! After destroying me you are living a life of luxury huh!",...Fang Bi gan

After the encounter with this bitch in the mall Fu Caishen blocked all our clients from doing business with us. In this four months Fang company is almost bankrupt.

On the other hand her sister is no good. She couldn't even give birth to a son and does no work in the house.

I can't let her go. I can't stand this b*tch being happy.

"I...I didn't do anything. was your own fault."

"Hah! You have become arrogant since you married Fu Caishen Huh!",...Fang Bi gan

I better ignore him.

"So what! I..I don't have anything to with you now."

Just as I was about to go Fang Bi gan closed my mouth with his hand.

"It seems like you forgot who I was. I wasn't going to do anything to you but after seeing your arrogance I don't want that."


"You better shut up if don't want your brat to die. So go with me being quietly."

Fang Bi gan slapped me hard. It was so hard that I didn't have any idea what was going on for a moment. My head was spinning.

He threatened me with the baby so I couldn't do anything. What should I do am I being kidnapped now!

!...Will Cai be able to find me? Am I going to die like this?


"What is taking her this long? It has already been half an hour since she left. Is she in pain?",...Fu Caishen

I will go and find her.

After few minutes...

She is not in washroom. Where did she went? She didn't even bring her phone with her.

"(in call) Secretary Zong! I want every footage of this hotel and bring every employee working here Wei Jia disappeared!"

Why did I let her go alone? I should have gone with her. Where did she went? Did my enemies kidnapped her? No I haven't revealed her face to media.

But It has already been two hours. I still can't find her after interrogating the staffs. Those who saw her for last time said she was in washroom but I can't find her there.

"Sir we found out that during the time madam was kidnapped there were five cars that exited from the hotel. We are trying to find the owner of the cars to know if they are someone we know.",... Secretary Zong

"Fast! (angry) Do it fast! Don't you know she is pregnant!"

I have never seen him this angry ever.


Fu Caishen was alone in his car feeling frustrated. He was assisting the search team to find Wei Jia. They have already investigated three people but found no clue. Two people are still left.

- - -

She has to take her medicine after her dinner. Is she alright? I can't imagine how sacred she must be. I should have been careful.(teary)

*ring ring*

"Hello",...Fu Caishen

"Where are you both? It has been long since you two went out. Come home fast. Don't you know pregnant woman needs rest,...Fu Jengshen

"Dad!(shaking voice)",...Fu Caishen

" Why are you suddenly calling me Dad instead of old man? What happened ?",...Fu Jengshen

"Wei Jia! I lost her..wa..ah.. I can't find her anywhere..sob..I don't know where she is.",...Fu Caishen

"What?(shocked)",...Fi Jengshen

"What should I do dad? I feel like my heart is being ripped apart hurts.",...Fu Caishen