Fun And Games

Since most of the participants were drinking-age singles, they decided to play Truth or Dare.

The nature of Luo Ying's relationships was well-known. Her tolerance to alcohol was also not an issue. Luo Ying concluded that, even if she did play, she would be fine.

Everyone was on board with this game.

This was a spin-the-bottle kind of game. The rotating participant had to provide an honest response or comply with the question-setter's instructions. If they could not do it, they would have to down a glass of wine.

A girl who had a supporting part in the drama was the first to spin the bottle. Her name was Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye was fond of Jin Shi. She purposefully tried to spin the bottle to Jin Shi.

Instead, Luo Ying, who was right beside to Jin Shi, received it.