CHAPTER 8 She Is Pregnant

  Ann’s eyes were ablaze with a fury that she hadn’t known she was capable of and she snarled menacingly, her tone conveying her deadly intent clearly.

  “You’ve pushed me too far this time, Ada. You’re welcome to the bastard. Keep him, ride him to your heart's desire, pop out as many pups as you can for him, and live happily. While you do so… NEVER darken my door or speak to me again, do you understand me?”

  Ada nodded furiously, rapidly turning a frightening shade of purple as she clawed desperately at Ann’s arm.

  “If I EVER hear of my father being mistreated or he meets an untimely demise, know that I will return here with a fury that you have never seen before and I will annihilate both you and your mother. Do I make myself clear?” Ann roared.

  Ada nodded furiously again her eyes beginning to roll up into her skull and her attempts to wrestle Ann’s arm from its position on her neck became weaker.