CHAPTER 52 The Daemon Lord

  As the haze cleared around the two figures in front of them, Lexi squealed and ran forward, pulling the towering figure into a hug as the man beside him looked on with an impassive expression on his face.

  "Papa! It feels like it's been forever since I saw you properly!" Lexi squealed as the easily eight-foot-tall figure bent slightly and wrapped his arms around her warmly.

  "It's good to see you, little one." The man rumbled as Lexi stepped backward and turned to grin at Ann and Adam.

  "Guys, this is Papa, Papa, this is Adam and Ann." Lexi beamed excitedly.

  Lexi's father cut a truly imposing figure, broad-shouldered, bulging muscles as far as the eye could see, and an expression that threatened an untimely death as he stared impassively towards Adam and Ann.