"Tell me again, Everything," Adam growled impatiently as Allen finalized the orders that Adam had already sent out and arranged additional resources.
He was incredibly efficient as he simultaneously linked members of their own pack and made phonecalls across the city to call in favors from their allies in an effort to gather more information.
Ann's disappearance was a huge deal and Adam somewhat blamed himself for her disappearance. If he had been able to reign his wolf in a little more, then perhaps she wouldn't have left today in such a hurry. Perhaps it could all have been avoided.
Lexi rolled her eyes impatiently as she paced and threw him a withering look that should by rights have turned him to a pillar of salt.
"Listen, fluffy, I Appreciate you trying to rationalize and look for clues in my brief interaction with her whilst she was taken, but the minuscule details that exist in that short exchange won't change, however many times I recount it."