CHAPTER 197 A Big Girl

  Allen could feel his wolf howl in despair the longer she spoke.

  She had a connection with Greyson as well?

  'No! I won't share her! She is OUR mate! This is your fault!' Orvar raged inside him as Allen tried desperately to block him out so that he could organize his own thoughts.

  He hadn't even considered that she would actually take both of them as mates, but if she couldn't decide, and didn't want to reject either of them…

  Allen shook his head slowly.

  "Would you consider rejecting one of us?" He asked tentatively as Lexi stared at him aghast.

  "And willingly cause that level of pain to the ones who are supposed to be made just for me? Are you insane? I've seen what it does to you wolves. How could you even ask me to reject Greyson?"