CHAPTER 213 A Solution

  There was no answer from Batholomew when they arrived at his office, but knowing full well that it was probably the safest place that they could talk openly, the four of them went inside to wait for his return.

  "So what are you going to do about the dirty old perverts?" Lexi asked as she took a handful of cashew nuts out of the snack bowl on Bartholomew's desk and began tossing them into the air one by one and catching them deftly with her mouth, crunching happily once she had caught them.

  "Which one?" Ann snorted.

  "Precisely my point, Queenie." Lexi smirked in reply, "Who's to say that it was just rapey Linus involved and not others alongside him?"

  "We'll interrogate him today and get the ball rolling on that. I want him locked away as soon as possible." 

  Lexi nodded thoughtfully and glanced across at Allen briefly, pausing awkwardly before speaking. She was obviously hesitant to speak whatever it was that was on her mind, causing Ann to frown slightly.