CHAPTER 122 Don't Touch Him

  Maisie's POV

  I woke up with a smile, the warmth of sunlight warming my skin. I stretched before sitting upright, the blanket falling down on top of me and leaving me cold. The soft patter of rain began to fall as I pushed aside the covers and got up. 

  The sun was barely peeking above the horizon as it peaked past clouds. The rain fell heavily against the window panes making everything outside feel colder than it actually was. 

  With the weather like this, I did not doubt that they would be having a stormy day. My eyes wandered around the room; the dark wood of the floorboards and bed frame blended in perfectly with my pale blue walls. 

  "What a day," I sighed, turning over I noticed that Lance left already. 

  I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face as I got up and headed toward the bathroom.