CHAPTER 98: Never Meant To Be


  In the midst of everything she had destroyed with her own hands, with her tears pouring freely and proceeding to slide down her cheeks, her screams sounding louder than the waves of the sea, her eyes red and her soul having more pieces than the things she'd broken in the hopes of buying herself a reason to feel less devastated than she was, sat a woman— A broken woman with scars that'd take years to count. A woman who had once dreamt of being loved. A woman who had once imagined a life with her child after her mate who never wished to keep her in his one.

  And that woman was me. I was that ill-fated woman.

  Why couldn't he just love me?— This question would never stop asking me to be answered.

  Why did I had to lose my baby?— This question would always keep hurting me.

  Why hadn't I put myself first?— This question would allow me the guts to forgive myself.