CHAPTER 56 - Vegeance a Powerful Tool

  “The Pawn…

  Knight. The Rook, Bishop.

  The Queen and King. These were the things that kept us in order. They are still there, yet, everything seems to be falling apart.”?–?Ava, (the Queen)

  “How long will he be unconscious for?”

  “A few days, maybe. Depends on how fast his recovering abilities is.” The pack Doctor replied.

  My hands moved to Caspian’s, with my brows knotting worriedly.

  “Cassandra, get a room close to this chamber for the pack Doctor. He would be staying here till the King recovers.” I ordered sadly.

  “As you wish, milady.”

  She went out with him, closing the door behind us, and leaving us completely to ourselves. The room became silent, afterwards. Caspian’s pale face was directed to me, making tears stung under my eye lid.

  “When are you going to wake up, Caspian?”

  I swallowed, saying.

  “I miss you, already.”