CHAPTER 64 Got arrested

  The flight back to Houston was a bumpy one for Nathan, his mind was a mess. He couldn't stop thinking about the worst thing which could happen to his family. He was responsible for everything, for his mother's condition. He left them alone, he didn't even think about their safety one bit

  Nathan was beyond troubled that all he wanted was to reach home and see his family. 

  3 hours later the jet landed. Laura already called for transportation.  Robert and lawyer Gael were the ones waiting for them

  "Welcome lady Laura," both Robert and lawyer Gael said bowing before Laura. However she was busy trying to calm Nathan, she had never seen him so worked up before. His reaction showed just how much his family meant to him

  The fear and sadness in his eyes melted Laura's heart. Such love a man had for his family was rare yet she admired Nathan. He was selfless