Anya was awakened from a deep sleep when her cellphone rang. She traced it under her pillow to see who dared to call her.



  She immediately pulled the cellphone away from her ear. She used to be dizzy, but now her mind was wide awake.

  "What?!" she answered after complaining. She frowned as if the other line could see her. She even rubbed her forehead because of a sudden headache.

  "Anya, can I take you to the mall? Let's go for a walk!" Carla, her best friend said in the other line.

  Anya raised an eyebrow at what she heard. Her sleep was disturbed just for malling. Only now has she been able to rest from the pile of work but, it looks like she will still be stressed.

  "Did you call me because of that? Oh no, Carla! Go with your boylets. I want to rest!" she vowed.

  Carla laughed on the other line, which made her even annoyed. Her best friend was very insensitive sometimes. She wonders why until now, they're still friends.