Anya was busy checking herself when her Pappi came inside her room. He was looking all around the corner and looked at her with disbelief.

  "Oh! What is this? Why do you look so beautiful? Date?" Her Pappi stared at her carefully from head to toe.

  Anya sat down on the chair in front of the dresser before turning him over. She nodded at him afterwards. "I'm leaving, Pappi."

  "Leaving? And where are you going? Anya, there is still a curfew even though we did GCQ!" exaggerated, he said.

  Anya wondered if she would tell. It was her boss, obviously. Until now she still couldn't believe what she said earlier. She knew she couldn't take her words back. She was nervous but one thing was sure, she was determined.

  "I just have a walk, Pappi. I will not spend the night," she said to him with a bow. She bit her lips. She was not even sure what would happen later between her and Andrius. They haven't talked about anything yet.