"Maybe, both of you want to separate? You've been hugging for hours! Are you going to say goodbye to Mr. Monterio? Anya, I thought you were a Filipina girl?" From the kitchen, Anya's Pappi appeared in front of her and Andrius. He kept looking at them while they were smiling. He stared at them for a moment when he decided to sit on the opposite sofa. He turned on their T.V and immediately watched Netflix while glancing at them every second.

  Anya raised an eyebrow at her Pappi but the latter stared back at her and raised an eyebrow as well. She sighed and sat on the sofa next to Andrius. She immediately leaned her head on his shoulder and for a moment she felt him adjusting so that she could have a better position. She looked up and smiled. Andrius was just so sweet to her. He was very possessive but she liked the feeling. She felt special to everyone because of it.

  "You're very fragile, Anya," Pappi whispered. As usual, he was watching Kdrama.