Anya seemed to vomit. Looking at Bryan who was looking at her intently, made her want to puke. Now, she wondered why she was able to love the man. She just wasted her time when she cried when he left him. He wasn't worth it. He looked like a fool mad dog.

  "Why are you here?" Carla asked her while raising an eyebrow.

  Anya was even more embarrassed. Did she hear her right? Carla was mad at her? She should be the one to get mad at her.

  "I wanted to clear things up between us Carla. I didn't know that Andrius was the man you loved. I didn't know—"

  "So, now you know. Leave him. He's mine, Anya. We are the thing. You are not!" Carla said emphatically to her.

  Anya laughed sarcastically. An insulting one. She was still shaken afterwards. She looked at Carla, unbelievably. How does she say that thing, even though she has Bryan with her? She stood up from the seat and stared at her intently.