
  Anya stopped walking when she heard a voice from behind her. When she looked back, Sofia's angry face immediately appeared.

  Sofia Vergara wearing a knee length off-shoulder dress. She looked like a model in her current form. Beautiful and stunning while walking along the building's pathway. When she approached Anya, she immediately gave her a slap.

  "Are you happy with what you did to my brother? You broke him, Anya! You hurt my brother!" she said angrily to Anya.

  The way Sofia stared at Anya, it was obvious that she was mad. Who would be happy if she just left Andrius in front of the crowd while kneeling? She declined his proposal in public.

  "Sorry," Anya said and nodded. She didn't want Sofia to see that she was hurting too. How she hated saying no to Andrius but she had to because it was necessary. Because, it was right.