Andrius woke up early the next day. If he really slept he did not know. He immediately opened his eyes when the feeling of someone tightly hugging him was evident. He smiled when he looked at Anya's beautiful sleeping face. He slowly raised his hand and caressed her gently. He then carefully brought his face closer to hers and kissed her softly on the lips.

  "Daddy!" Atreus shouted from the newly opened door.

  Andrius immediately signaled his son to be quiet. "Hello, kiddo. Good morning!" he greeted him with a smile.

  "Morgen, Daddy," Atreus replied. "I wanted to go to the beach. Beach! Beach! Beach!"

  Andrius' eyes widened and he got up quickly. He took his striped clothes last night and put them on. He then quickly picked up Atreus and glanced at Anya slightly before finally leaving the room.