"You're annoying--"

  Andrius sealed her mouth with a kiss again. His kiss was teasing her. Sucking and biting her lower lip. It was a kiss in a Monterio way. Even now, Anya still remembers it.

  Anya instantly closed her eyes and responded to his kisses. She let go of the bag and let it fall to the floor. She wrapped her arms on his neck and lured herself in his kisses. Andrius' kisses were still the same. It could still lose her sanity.

  "Mommy! Daddy!" their son shouted.

  Anya quickly pushed Andrius when she saw that their child was just opposite to them and looked at them innocently. She wanted the earth to swallow her because of the fragility. She also turned to Andrius and saw him smile as he picked up the bag she had dropped earlier. He also carried their child effortlessly.

  "Pappi, we're leaving!" Anya said goodbye to her father who was sitting in their bamboo chair. Pappi nodded and did not speak, again. Anya knew he was bothering them. "Pappi," she added.