"Let me refresh your memory a little, when Kennedy tried to kill your husband. Who do you think saved him?"
"You did" Aerial answered.
"Who do you think kept your family save?" Frederick asked
"You" She answered.
"And why do you think I did that? Why should I care about your family anyways?" Frederick asked.
"That I don't know"
"Liar, of course I did it for Gold. How ungrateful can you get? You actually owe her your lives. Now let me sound a note of warning to both you and your daughter.
I know what you did to her father so don't try to play that game on me because It won't work. I have eyes only for Gold and also don't try to harm my baby or you might end up dying a tragic death" Fredrick warned.
"Are you threatening me?" Aerial asked giving Gold a deadly glare.
"No. I'm warning you and don't take my warning for jokes. Chike send her out"
"Ma'am this way please" Chike said but Aerial issued a note.