The trial continues

Anne had been confident, relying on the two of them to carry out their plan. But as the battle had unfolded, it became apparent that Jaegar was no ordinary apprentice wizard. Despite his injuries, his power had been overwhelming, pushing his adversaries to their limits and ultimately leading to their defeat.


The realization struck Anne that they had underestimated him greatly. He wasn't just a student; he was a sovereign arcanist, a wielder of immense and formidable power. His mastery over magic was awe-inspiring, and as she observed his effortless triumph over two seasoned fighters, a chilling fear took hold of her.


Frozen in place, Anne watched as Jaegar's eyes bore into hers, a purple glint shining within them. His voice boomed with power, shaking her to her core, "Now tell me, who sent you?"


Fear gripped Anne's heart, her voice quivering as she pleaded, "Please don't kill me."