Meeting Mrs. Selfriges again

"But I…I felt good, I felt like I was loved in a long time."


"You were good to me, I hate that you were good." 


"I hate that I wanted you to come home again, I hate that I wanted to feel your touch again." 


"I hate that I can't hate you." 


"I hate that I can't stop thinking about you," he said as he wrapped his arms around her. She was too sweet of a woman and he should have been a man enough to stay away. 


'Why did her body feel so dear against mine, why did I tease myself with coming here? Damn man! I fucked up.' 


"Sorry that I couldn't keep my word."


"Please don't say that," she said, looking deep in his eye. 

'Damn, her eyes were beautiful.' 


"You make me feel again. I never thought I could like this again, loved, wanted." She leaned up for a slow kiss that he didn't return. "I never thought kissing anyone would feel like this again."