Angelina's arrival

Jaegar found himself in the comfort of his home's hall, reclining on the plush couch as he tried to make sense of the recent events. 


His thoughts lingered on the mysterious girl from the alley and the striking woman, Francesca. 


The group that fought with the monster seemed like an unlikely alliance, with each member possessing unique skills and abilities. Jaegar couldn't help but wonder how they all came together and what their connection was to Francesca. As he pondered, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this group than meets the eye. 


How had they come across that monstrous creature, and what had led it to manifest on the human plane?


While he was sitting on the couch, pondering over them, dusk descended upon the city, a magical portal materialised in the hall, and from it emerged Angelina, the mother witch.