Mother's wand - 2

Far away from the battlefield, in a distant land evocative of ancient Qashaidan's most storied eras, the summons found its mark.

Amidst towering pagodas and ornate architecture wrought in classic imperial styles, one of the tallest edifices contained a sanctum well-insulated from prying eyes.

Deep within the uppermost chambers of this edifice, a heavy iron-bound chest began to tremble with escalating intensity. The hermetic wards etched onto its surface flickered fitfully as if straining to contain whatever unnatural power resided within.


With an abrupt thunderclap of imploding force, the chest's reinforced cladding fragmented in a hail of shrapnel, the remaining panels clattering to the lacquered floor in smouldering chunks.

At the epicentre of this blast radius hovered an unassuming wand of gnarled wood and archaic design - an innocuous-seeming item that nevertheless radiated the faintest penumbra of eldritch might.