Pirates of the Darkskull - 3

The spell caster among the Five Claws was the first to falter significantly. A particularly large pirate broke through the defensive line, bringing his cutlass down in a vicious overhead strike. The mage managed to dodge at the last second, but the movement disrupted his casting, leaving him vulnerable. A second pirate took advantage of the opening, his blade finding flesh and drawing a cry of pain from the spell caster.

This moment seemed to turn the tide decisively. With their magical support compromised, the Five Claws found themselves fighting a losing battle.

The pirates pressed their advantage, their confidence growing as they sensed victory within their grasp.

Cara shouted something to Hegdal, her words were lost in the din of battle, but her desperate tone was clear. Hegdal nodded grimly, then bellowed an order to the rest of their group.

The Five Claws began to fall back, forming a tight defensive circle around their wounded spellcaster.