Chapter 69: Equal chances!

"Really? Why did you have to be the one to bash poor Ezaeryll's head against that stone table? I'll see to it that he gets what's coming to him later for being so easily dominated... In any event, I can't let you go at this point and keep your life. My two closest friends here are very knowledgeable when it comes to fire magic, which is the Shirran's primary area of expertise."

The Shirran? The proprietor of the restaurant, Emilio, identified them as a member of one of the local gangs in the area. The two incubus started chanting an incantation to one another.

Alex mentally damned himself since he had just memorised a single fire counter type spell from the Grimoire, but because he had so little experience with magic, he was uncertain as to whether or not it would be successful.

"... The High Priestess," she replied.