Chapter 114: Sudden Ice Atmosphere!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


His steady progress up the wall was a testament to his strength, skill, and determination. Finally reaching the top, he paused to catch his breath and take in the stunning views from his elevated vantage point.

Batibat focused his thoughts and expanded his consciousness to scan the entire palace grounds in search of Iris and Katiyana.

Being human, they did not possess a distinct Sin that he could detect, and so he had to rely on the emotional energy emanating from their souls to locate them.

As he scanned the area, he felt a faint stirring of unease within him. He had always prided himself on his ability to read people's emotions with ease, but there was something about the way these two women were feeling that eluded him.

Undeterred, he continued to search until he finally felt a glimmer of recognition. It was a subtle feeling, but it was enough for him to pinpoint their location. They were in a garden on the eastern side of the palace.