Chapter 150: Disappointment!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


The battle was intense, with both sides refusing to back down, and it continued for what seemed like an eternity.

It may seem inevitable that the two powerful pillar members, Limbra and asura, belonging to distinct Sins, would eventually engage in a fierce battle against each other with their immortality.

One might expect such a conflict to occur sooner than anticipated, given that Lust and Wrath have not engaged in a significant conflict for a considerable period of time.

Interestingly, among the seven circles, the two circles have fought the fewest conflicts with each other than any other combination of circles.

Even between Lust and Pride, who have frequently been allies, there have been numerous wars between the two.

It is worth noting that Lust and Pride have fought against each other on multiple occasions, whereas Lust and Wrath have not engaged in significant battles as often.