Chapter 157: U missed Something!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


His dark power then manifested itself in the form of a sharp spike that protruded from his forehead, which he used to deliver a deadly headbutt aimed directly at Archibald.

However, Archibald was ready for Orcus's attack and managed to dodge the spike by tilting his head to the side. Despite the dodge, the spike still grazed Archibald's ear, drawing blood.

This near-fatal exchange only intensified the already furious battle between the two opponents. Archibald and Orcus launched their most vicious and cunning attacks, each determined to emerge as the victor in this brutal fight.

Archibald recited a powerful incantation with unwavering conviction, "Flames of yore, seize thy humble blade of mine, unleashing your entire essence as you transform the very qualities of this sword and become one." He concentrated on the words and spoke them with a clear and determined voice, his eyes shut in intense focus.