Chapter 176: How did he Poison!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


Asmodea couldn't help but wonder how Reginald had managed to sneak up on Sitri and inject her without her noticing. She made a mental note to be on the lookout for any similar tactics in the future.

As the winds were strong and constantly shifting in the surrounding area, releasing poison into the air would not have been an effective method for Reginald.

He had to resort to a liquid poison, but the process of producing such poison was limited given their current setting.

Asmodea was no stranger to using poison through physical touch to gather information, but she could not figure out how Reginald managed to do it. She searched him thoroughly for any weapons or items that could have held poison, but her efforts were fruitless.

The mystery of how Reginald poisoned Sitri remained unsolved, and Asmodea knew that the only way to find out was through violent conflict.