Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️
The potency of an Archmage's soul, in particular, had been known to manifest in various ways and grant individuals exceptional abilities. In Reginald's case, it seemed that the power of the soul had assisted him in bringing the reality of his tattoos to life.
Asmodea pondered the implications of what Reginald had said, wondering how he had managed to obtain the soul of an Archmage in the first place.
She suspected that it must have involved some form of dark magic or necromancy, which only added to her concern about the depths of Reginald's power.
Despite her reservations, Asmodea couldn't help but feel a certain level of fascination with the idea of harnessing the power of a soul in such a manner.
She wondered what other possibilities might be unlocked if one were to tap into the full potential of such a force. But for now, her focus remained on the task at hand: defeating Reginald and putting an end to his dangerous plans.