Chapter 191: Call upon Thy!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


Thaddeus, the Gluttony demon, had a rather unusual appearance. He was dressed in a dark blue jumper with buttons and wore thin, baggy trousers that flapped around his legs. He didn't bother with any shoes or armor, but despite his disheveled and revolting appearance, he exuded an air of confidence.

Aureal, a beautiful yet pallid Fallen Angel, described Thaddeus' appearance to her companions, Nyssa and Lauryn, as they continued their journey.

As they walked, a rodent-like monster suddenly sprang out from behind a boulder, attempting to attack Aureal.

She swiftly swung her hammer, bringing it down on the monster's head, shattering its skull on impact. The creature's blood began to boil as it came into contact with the searing heat of the sun.

Thaddeus' strange and slender frame was accentuated by the bluish-green mane on the side of his head, which was styled like a crown, jutting skyward.