Chapter 199: Something Strange!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


In that moment, Avalandor saw an opening and seized it, launching himself at Nyssa with all his strength. He aimed his sword at her neck and swung with ferocity.

Nyssa realized her predicament, knowing that she could not stop her sword from striking her target. She tried to raise her hands to protect herself, but she knew it was a futile attempt.

As Avalandor's blade descended towards her, Nyssa closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact. She felt a sharp pain as the blade sliced through her skin, but somehow, it did not reach her neck.

She opened her eyes to see that her sword had been caught by Avalandor's own sword, which had somehow defied his command and moved to intercept Nyssa's blade. The two swords locked in a fierce struggle, neither giving way to the other.

Nyssa's hand managed to move in time to block Avalandor's fatal strike, a strange occurrence that left them both bewildered.