Chapter 231: Son of a.. whore!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


Asmodeus had foreseen this very outcome when he passed on the mantle of the Lord of Lust to Alex, and his expectations were not misplaced.

With swift and decisive movements, Alex closed the distance between himself and Archibald, grabbing hold of his opponent's head in a tight grip.

Archibald was taken aback by the sudden and close-quarters attack, leaving him unable to wield his sword effectively or retaliate with his hands.

Feeling the tightening grip on his head, Archibald struggled to break free, but Alex's hold was unwavering.

Seizing the opportunity, Alex utilized his incredible speed and agility, propelling himself upward with a powerful kick off the ground.

Like a high-performance Bugatti, he soared through the air with precision and accuracy, closing the gap between them in an instant. His knee came hurtling forward like a speeding bullet, crashing squarely into Archibald's face.