Protect Me

Olen was still young and hot-blooded.

So, it couldn't be helped that he was a bit possessive of people around him. He was instantly angry. How could anyone dare to reach out toward his possessions in front of him? 

"William, Gound, Roen... watch my back." –Olen said.

Olen didn't just run toward his enemies when he saw them running toward him.

He quickly reached toward his chest pocket took out two pills and put them in his mouth.

The three guards were confused. Still, they did as they were told.

They intercepted the incoming arrows and stood around him in a semicircle formation.

There were about sixteen enemies coming their way and there were three archers lying in wait to ambush them in a distance.

The enemies were about ten meters away still. At that moment, both the red skull bandits and the guards started their transformation.

The bandit wanted to finish things as quickly as possible and enjoy their 'loot'.