Big Shot

"Hey, hey… got another two signals." –One of Scythe man in black cloak said to the man beside him. In front of him is a devise that was scanning the surrounding thousand kilometers at a time.

Their search was going very well for now. There was no one here to obstruct them. On top of that the cultivation level of people around is so low.

In thousand kilometers there might only be a few or no person that could remotely be at the level they were looking for.

So the search is going pretty fast for now.

As for the issues they were facing is the lack of spirit in the surroundings.

They had to rely on the pills continuously in order to keep up their pace of searching.

The man came closer to look at the device.

"Man, are you seeing things? There's only a single signal above the measuring line." –the man asked.

"Oh? That's weird. I defiantly saw two dots." –the first man said looking the device for the second time.