
The moon was slowly creeping out of its hiding place, its crystal clear light illuminated the grounds and cast a glow on the forest but, it still shielded the activities of the dark. A thick metallic stench filled the woods, dark dry blood covered a vast portion of the green land and seeped into the soil. Headless and mutilated beasts were scattered around the vast area and not one could be properly recognized among the corpse. Just like that, an entire pack was destroyed. 

The ground thumped rapidly as a figure flashed through the forest, slowly, the movements were disappearing and calm was restored into the night. 

Ezriel's movement in his werewolf form was faster and swifter than any other of his kind, he latched his limps onto the wall of the palace and climbed to the top at an inhumane speed. In a bit, he appeared in the room. It was then that his movements halted.