Ch 301 - Who Will Invest?

Looking at his son, other family members, and his son's friends who were there to support him, Reginald felt very grateful. They were much more loyal than many of his old friends.

"Thank you, everyone for being here," he said.

David went to the front of the crowd and said, "Today I'm asking you to support our family. The Fidelity Group needs at least two billion dollars to get us safely through this crisis, but the Drake family only has five hundred million dollars of cash available."

He continued, "I'm asking for a further one and a half billion dollars' worth of investment, but as yet I have had no offers. I'm surprised and disappointed. I'm offering you a wonderful investment opportunity."

Jason Morley called out, "David, I want to invest. Here's my bank card. Please take it."

Jason handed his bank card to David, and said modestly, "I'm sorry it will be a relatively small investment. This is all the money that I've saved for the last few years. When I get home, I'll ask my father for more."

"David, I will invest a million dollars," someone else called out.

"Here, David, I have three million to invest. I'll also ask my brothers to get involved," said another friend.

"David, I'll invest one million for now but when I get home, I'll persuade my family to invest more. I'll give you everything I have," shouted another.

All the rich young men were generous and keen to invest in David's company.

Darryl Brennan was the only one who didn't want to get involved because his situation was a little different. The Brennan family had only arrived in D.C. ten years ago. Unlike the other people there, Darryl hadn't grown up with David and didn't regard him as a brother.

He also knew that the financial crisis facing the Drake family was serious. It wouldn't take much for their business to be completely ruined, and he felt that there was a strong probability that their empire would never recover.

He was reluctant to invest in their business because he felt he would never see his money again. But he didn't want to be the only person there who refused to invest in his friend. He had to at least give him a little money to show his support.

He put his arm around Myriam's shoulder and winked at her as a signal that she should cooperate with what he was about to do.

On the way there, Darryl had explained his plan to her.

Although she felt uncomfortable with what he was asking her to do, she still nodded.

She had been with him for quite a long time and although he sometimes lost his temper with her, on the whole, she felt it was a good relationship. She knew that it would be hard to find a rich young man who would treat her any better than he did.

Because she wanted to hang on to him, she devoted all her energy and attention to him. She hoped that he would soon ask her to marry him.

Darryl went over to David and took a bank card from his pocket. He looked his friend in the eye and said, "David, this card has a million dollars on it. Please take it. If you need any help from the Drake family, you only need to ask. My family will help you in any way we can."

David hadn't expected Darryl, who had not grown up with him, to want to help him so much. He was very moved.

Other friends of David and the Drake family were also very appreciative of Darryl's offer.

"Thank you." David patted him on the shoulder and prepared to take the bank card.

Myriam was standing beside Darryl. "Oh, Darryl," she said, "you've taken the wrong card. That's the card with only five thousand dollars on it. The other bank card is the one with one million on it."

"I must apologize, David. I've given you the wrong card," Darryl said. Then he looked in his wallet and said in mock surprise, "Where's my other bank card?"

"Darryl, I saw you put that card in the pocket of your other jacket. Did you forget to take it out when you changed clothes?" Myriam said.

"Oh, what an idiot I am," said Darryl in mock annoyance.

Darryl patted his forehead and said to David, "David, I realize what's happened! I put the bank card in my pocket when I went out last night, but I was careless and forgot to put it back in my wallet."

"Please don't worry. It's an honest mistake and I'm grateful that you wanted to help," David said.

"Thank you for your understanding. Take this five thousand and I'll send you the other million card later," Darryl said.

David believed what Darryl told him and was very grateful.

Darryl said proudly, "It's nothing. I have several cards with a few million on each. I haven't spent as much as usual this month so I can spare a million for you. It's not a big deal."

Darryl and Myriam walked back into the crowd. Myriam looked at Darryl's smug expression and felt a little disgusted. She still smiled at him though. This man was her future life partner. She didn't mind if he cheated on others, as long as he didn't cheat on her.

By the time everyone had finished offering him money, David estimated that more than twenty of his rich friends had contributed over forty million dollars for him.

It was a lot, but only a drop in the ocean from the one and a half billion that they needed.

His friends realized that the amount of money that they had given wasn't enough. They started to think that they would not be able to help the Drake family survive the crisis.

"We've all offered everything we can, but it's only come to forty million dollars. What a shame," someone said.

"Yes, I bet some people could give more," said his friend.

"David managed to get everyone here, but we still haven't been able to save his family. I bet the people who are against the Drake family will have a good laugh," said another man.

"I'll call my father now and ask him to give fifty million to them," said another.

David stopped the friend who was going to call his father. He said to everyone gratefully, "Friends, thank you. You all came here today as I asked and have done so much to help me. I'm very moved."

"But what about the Fidelity Group? Will it go bankrupt?" a friend asked.

"What will happen will happen. We'll just have to see what fate has in store for us," Reginald said calmly. He looked desolate.

Looking at his father, David said firmly, "No. Dad, although the money isn't enough, as long as we all unite together, I believe that we can win. There's no obstacle that can't be defeated if we work together and I'm determined that the Fidelity group will never fall."

"Yes, if we're determined, we can do anything," agreed a cousin enthusiastically.

"The Fidelity Group has been working in D.C. for so long and so many people's livelihoods depend on it. The people of D.C. will not let it fail."

Lindsey silently watched what was happening. She knew that the company could only be saved if the one and a half billion were raised. If it wasn't, it really would all be down to fate.

She quietly walked out of the office and walked up and down the corridor for a few minutes deep in thought. She suddenly came up with someone who might be able to help them. She thought of Alex.

Although she didn't know what sort of family Alex was from, she had noticed how the Drakes and other influential families treated him. She also knew that Ken Stokes worked for him and that his relations were treated with respect by everyone who had been at her sister's original, failed wedding to David.

He must come from a powerful family. She just didn't know how rich they were.

Alex had also told her that he had been expelled from his family, but perhaps he had been welcomed back to them by now.

Whatever the situation, she felt it was worth asking him for help.

She took out her cell phone and her cheeks flushed as she selected his number.

She hadn't spoken to him for a long time. Ever since the day that he married her sister, she had tried very hard not to think about him. And until now she had achieved this successfully. But now, when she saw his name on her screen, her emotions were stirred up again.

She could picture his face in her mind. She felt very nervous, but she tried to calm herself down.

Taking a deep breath, she called his number.


At that moment, Alex was carrying a fruit basket into the hospital, headed toward Don's ward.

In the ward, Daisy has just served her brother his dinner and was now washing the dishes. When they saw Alex arriving, she and Don were both very happy.

"Alex, why are you here?" Don asked as he tried to get out of the hospital bed.

"Slow down, buddy. I'm a friend. There's no need to be so polite to me." Alex quickly went over and helped Don to lie back down in bed.

He knew all about Don's injuries.

"Don, I've come to see you because I've got some good news for you," he said, smiling at Don. "The university has accepted full responsibility for your injury and their insurance will be covering your hospital fees. You don't have to worry about paying me back my money."

Alex took out his cell phone and showed Don a copy of a work-related injury document to confirm what he had said. Daisy also looked at it and said excitedly, "That's wonderful, Don. And now, you don't have to worry about getting out of hospital as soon as possible to earn the money to pay Alex back."

"Daisy, hush. I never said I was in a hurry to pay Alex back. I was never worried about it. He knew I would pay him back eventually."

Don joked about paying Alex back now he had seen the compensation he would receive, but in reality, he had been very anxious about getting back to work to earn the money. Finally, he could relax.

Looking at Alex, Don felt even more admiration and gratitude toward him. He said, "Alex, I know it was you that sorted this out for me. Thank you. When I get well, I'll invite you to dinner. I'll cook you my favorite dish."

"Well, buddy, I'll take you up on that promise. I can't wait," Alex said with a smile.

As they continued to chat happily, Alex's cell phone rang. He was surprised when he saw it was Lindsey calling. He was apprehensive about answering her call.

After a pause, he answered the phone.

"Hello, Lindsey, it's a nice surprise to hear from you. How can I help you?"

When she heard Alex's voice, Lindsey became emotional again. However, she quickly calmed herself and said, "Alex, I'm calling to ask if you would be willing to help the Drake family in D.C. They're in a crisis situation and need to raise two billion dollars as soon as possible or they risk bankruptcy. They've only managed to raise five hundred and forty million and they've run out of options. Do you have any way to help them raise the rest?"