Ch 466 - Did Alex Do It?

"Oh." Oscar let out a sigh of relief. Alex had left him alone, and he was still alive.

He got up from the ground and realized that his body was covered in a cold sweat.

I never knew there were such incredible fighters in the martial arts world. This night has been a big eye opener for me, he thought. Then, he asked himself, Why does Alex hate the Mitchell family so much? He's not a bloodthirsty man, but I will have to be careful now. He clearly hates my family.

The whole of Baltimore was shaken, as well as many important families in the rest of America.

The fact was that the powerful Mitchell family should have been able to destroy the Ambrose family easily, but they had almost been entirely exterminated. DominiCorp had been left without a leader.

The unbelievable reports from insiders stated that hundreds of members of the Mitchell family had mysteriously fallen to the ground and died immediately.

Some people claimed that it must have happened as the result of a curse on the Mitchell family. Others thought that they had been exterminated by mysterious forces overnight, probably from outer space.

Many people believed that the Ambrose family were involved, but they didn't know how, and there was no evidence. What was known was that the DominiCorp villa had been burned to the ground in a huge fire, and that there was only one white wall remaining.

There was some evidence that pointed to Alex, but no one seemed to know whether Alex was related to the Ambrose family of the underground world. All that anyone had to go on was gossip and hearsay. The Ambrose family itself remained so secretive that very few people knew anything about them, let alone were in a position to clearly state the relationship between Alex and Ambrose family.

There was now so much mystery surrounding Alex that no one knew what to think. The few people who really knew the truth stayed silent. One of those was Oscar Steadman, who never spoke of what happened that night. Even when Edward begged his father to reveal what had happened, Oscar kept silent.

Other powerful families who had once allied with the Mitchells now distanced themselves, and even sent people to show their respect to the Ambrose family. Now that the Mitchell family had perished, they quickly changed their allegiances.

As soon as the Mitchell family was destroyed, the DominiCorp group also collapsed. In contrast, the Ambrose family was ecstatic.

Only a few days previously, the Ambrose family had been in hiding on one of their small islands. They had been nervous every day and were predicting that their family was finished. Then suddenly, overnight, their fortunes were reversed. The family were overjoyed, but didn't really understand what had happened.

"Did Alex do all this?" one of his cousins asked.

"According to the news, DominiCorp's villa was burned to the ground overnight, and no one knows where the remaining members of the family are," said another.

"It's not just that. Almost all of the Mitchell family, except those overseas, have been killed. Some people say that it was Alex's revenge for his mother," someone else said.

Flora was also slowly recovering in hospital and was overjoyed to hear the news.

"I believe it must have been Alex. He's usually kind-hearted, but if you do anything to his relatives, he'll never forgive you. I grew up with Alex, so I know him really well," Justin said excitedly. He believed that Alex was capable of just about anything. That was why he had called him for help.

"I also think that my cousin did it, but I won't tell you why I think that," Nelly said. She was convinced that it was Alex who had saved the Ambrose family. She had witnessed the battle on the edge of the Hudson River with her own eyes. It was a terrifying contest of martial arts, and she didn't believe that there was anyone else capable of such extraordinary feats as Alex.

Gideon wasn't sure what to think. Had his son done it? He accepted that there was a lot he didn't know about him.

In the main villa on Fairview Island, the Ambrose family was silent and thoughtful, which was different from the excited atmosphere when they first understood their lucky escape.

Lincoln was sitting in silence with no trace of joy on his face. He was clearly worried.

A young cousin of Alex's interrupted his thoughts. He said excitedly, "If there are people like Alex in the Ambrose family, why should any of us be worried? Hey, everyone. Our Ambrose family is so lucky to have Alex. He'll make sure that the family always survives."

"Shut up!" Lincoln shouted, scaring everyone. He stopped drinking, thought for a moment, and then said, "From now on, anyone who dares to suggest that Alex was responsible for what happened to the Mitchell family will be punished."

Everyone was silent as no one dared to speak. They patiently listened to Lincoln's orders.

Lincoln took a sip of tea and said slowly, "Do we know for sure that Alex did it? We don't know yet. Why do you all believe that it was him? As you all know, Alex has been expelled from this family. What he does or doesn't do has nothing to do with the Ambrose family."

Many people looked sad when he said that. Alex had always been very popular in the Ambrose family. He was polite and considerate to everyone, but in challenging situations, he was also very brave and never yielded. His character had been noble since childhood. Everyone was disappointed that Lincoln was still rejecting Alex.

Lincoln was still thinking about what had happened. If Alex was responsible for what had happened to the Mitchells, Lincoln was sure that the only reason that he would have killed the whole family was in revenge for his mother's attack. Lincoln was worried that it would arouse the attention of the authorities.

Lincoln pondered for a long time. The truth was that he had already determined that Alex must have done it. However, he had to be careful about sharing his conclusions. His grandson had committed a lot of crimes. The Mitchell family were a well-known family in Baltimore, and the collapse of DominiCorp was also newsworthy. The sudden deaths of so many members of the Mitchell family would certainly be intensely investigated.

It wasn't just Lincoln's family who wanted answers. Many important families in Baltimore were waiting to be told what was going on. They believed that if Alex Ambrose had done it, he would surely go to prison.

But then the news was released that Aiden Ambrose had been acquitted and that he had returned to join the rest of the Ambrose family. 

Everyone started to believe that the Ambrose family were untouchable.

The vacuum left by DominiCorp Group was quickly filled by the Steadman family, specifically by Oscar Steadman, who was very financially astute. After the acquisition of DominiCorp, he immediately visited Lincoln. His words were very respectful, and he pledged the allegiance of the Steadmans to the Ambrose family.

However, Alex did not try to visit anyone in the Ambrose family again, and the rest of the family, including Lincoln, were disappointed.

Lincoln felt very sad about Alex's isolation from the family, and he spent many hours on his own, contemplating the situation. What are you planning, Alex? My wish is to pass on the leadership of Ambrose family to you, but you haven't even found it in your heart to approach your grandfather and request permission to return home.