Ch 558 - A Wish Come True

Alex looked around, watching everyone scribble furiously on their pieces of paper. Then he turned to his mother and saw she was writing too, her expression serious.

"Write something," she urged him.

"Okay," Alex said, deciding it was best to humor her. He scratched his head, trying to decide what to write, before finally expressing a wish that his parents would live a long and happy life.

After several minutes, Cassidy raised her microphone. "Has everyone written down their wish? Okay. I'm going to count down from three, and then I want you all to fly your paper airplanes at the stage. Your piece of paper has your seat number on it, so when I pick up an airplane, I will read out the number, and then you'll be on camera!"

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

Cassidy smiled. "I'm about to start counting, and when I reach one, let your paper planes fly, okay?"

Everyone shouted again, eager to try, and then Cassidy began the countdown.



She paused, deliberately building the suspense, and then she shouted, "One! Fly those planes!"

Countless paper planes flew at the stage. Many fell short, while others collided, sending them both falling to the floor. The planes went in all directions, making it impossible to follow the flight path of any of them.

One paper plane flew directly at the stage, arcing up, and then landing right at Cassidy's feet.

She glanced down at the plane, and then she stooped down to pick it up, holding it carefully.

The crowd watched in amazement, whispering to each other about who the lucky fan could be, and curious to hear their wish.

Cassidy slowly unfolded the paper plane. "I'll read out the wish first," she said. "And then I'll reveal the seat number."

She looked down at the paper and began to read. "Hello, Cassidy. I came to your concert with my son, who is a big fan. My wish is that you give him a hug."

The audience looked around, wondering whose wish that had been.

Cassidy raised her head. "Okay. Please pay attention to the big screen, where the lucky winner will be revealed. The seat number in question is…" She hesitated, building the tension. "It's 4F!"

The camera aimed at the seat, displaying Flora's face on the big screen.

Alex gaped at her, feeling confused. My mother won? he thought, shaking his head.

All eyes were on the screen, eager to see Flora's son, who might be the recipient of a hug from Cassidy.

"So, where is your son?" Cassidy asked.

Flora gestured to the chair beside her, and the camera swung around to display Alex on the screen.

What on earth was my mother thinking? Alex wondered, unhappy with the attention.

"All right, everyone," Cassidy said. "Let's invite this mother and son to the stage. And I have to say, what a young-looking mother. She could almost be his sister!"

Alex scowled. Flora's trip was supposed to be a secret. After all, the family had forbidden her to have contact with Alex, so drawing too much attention was a foolish thing to do.

Flora grinned and nudged him. "Come on," she said. "We've been invited to the stage. We can't keep her waiting."

"Don't be shy," Cassidy said, waving at them. "Get up here."

With so many people watching, Alex couldn't afford to make a fuss. So, he gritted his teeth and followed his mother to the stage.

Everyone stared at Alex as he and his mother walked over to join Cassidy.

"Oh, your son is very handsome," Cassidy said, smiling at Flora.

Then she turned to look at Alex with a glint in her eye, clearly interested in him.

"If you leave your contact information, I'll make sure you receive a surprise," she said, looking him up and down.

The backstage staff giggled, knowing Cassidy had just made that up. There had been no plans for an extra surprise.

"Sorry, I'd prefer not to," Alex said firmly, wishing he could get back off the stage.

"Alex, don't be silly!" Flora said. She took the paper airplane and scribbled on it. "Here. This is my son's phone number." She handed it over. "I am such a huge fan. You are so talented, and I just love your voice."

"Thank you," Cassidy said, blushing. Everyone was surprised because they hadn't expected such a big star to be shy. "I'll be in touch later."

Flora beamed at her, and Cassidy stepped forward, giving her an enormous hug. Flora's face lit up with joy, thrilled to be so close to her idol, and the audience roared their approval.

Then Cassidy turned to look at Alex. "Your mother clearly loves you," she said, smiling. "Her wish was all about you, so why don't you give her a hug, too?"

Flora was in heaven. She was standing on a stage with Cassidy Pike and her beloved son, and she had never been so happy. Alex stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Flora, and she snuggled into him.

Why should I be forced to hide my love for my son? she thought. If we get caught, I'll take whatever punishment the family decides on. I don't care. It's worth it.

When Alex stepped back, Cassidy gave him a brief hug. Alex freed himself as soon as possible and stood next to his mother.

"Well, son, my wish has come true," Flora said, grinning at him. "Let's get off the stage."

Alex nodded at Cassidy and turned to leave.

Cassidy watched him go, her expression thoughtful.

As they walked back to their seats, Flora was practically walking on air, and Alex shook his head, amused by her behavior.

Cassidy treated the audience to one last song, and then the concert was finally over. The crowd milled around for a while, reluctant to leave, but gradually, they began to file out of the theater.

"Alex, Cassidy slipped me her contact information," Flora said, pressing a piece of paper into his hand. "Keep this safe and don't lose it."

Alex fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Okay, mom," he said. "I know you're just trying to look out for me."

"Good boy," she said, patting his arm. "You know, I think Cassidy really liked us!"

Alex laughed, knowing his mother wasn't likely to stop talking about Cassidy any time soon. He actually found her enthusiasm quite endearing.

Alex's phone rang, and when he answered it, Rufus spoke, sounding frantic.

"Alex! You need to come back. Debbie is missing, and I think she's been abducted!"