Ch 689 - Dance of the Moon Maiden

Beau also understood that Maria and her family must feel some guilt for killing Gabriel, and he hoped that would play to his family's advantage. Perhaps the Thorntons would be more generous with their support in the future.

A flicker of doubt crossed his mind. But they have deceived us once, he thought. Could this medical license also be some sort of trick?

"I've had enough of your nonsense, Alex." He nodded at his men. "Get this loser out of here!"

On his command, the men moved toward Alex. Another dozen Ghosts came through the door and joined them, each brandishing a sword.

Maria couldn't believe this turn of events. She called her bodyguards. "Men! Help the Ghosts take down this murderer!"

The Thornton bodyguards didn't waste a second. They drew out their pistols and aimed at Alex.

Of course, he's not going to run out of here like a coward, Maria thought. But how can he possibly defeat all these men?

Still, she wasn't prepared to take any risks with her own life, so she quickly retrieved her gun from the floor and clutched it tightly. She looked around the room, studying the exits and planning her escape.

Alex looked back at his opponents. "You've made the wrong choice. I admire your bravery, but honestly, I don't want to kill any of you. I came here tonight only to tell you the truth. There's no reason to blow this out of proportion."

He sighed deeply. He was disappointed in Beau, but he knew he should not have expected better. Of course the Ramsdens wouldn't want to give up such an important friendship. Alex also knew how much the medical license meant to the Ghosts. Now he would have to fight all these men, and he wasn't really in the mood.

At that moment, one of the rear doors of the SUV opened, startling the Ghosts, who took their eyes off Alex.

Celeste closed the car door behind her, smoothed down her dress, and stood with her hands on her hips.

"You didn't really think I was just going to sit there quietly, did you?" she asked Alex. "Looks like you could use some help."

"You could start by closing the door, please," Alex replied. "Let's keep this party nice and private."

Celeste nodded and closed the door of the chapel.

Beau was astounded by Alex's confidence. He spoke like he was in command, not like someone who was outnumbered by fifty men. And he seemed to have no respect for the Ghosts.

"Have you forgotten where you are?" he asked. "Who are you to give orders?"

Beau was certain that he and the Ghosts could overpower Alex. He hadn't wanted a fight, either. After all, this was a day of mourning. But he could see no way of escaping it now. His hands clenched tight around his sword.

He looked at Alex with a grim smile. "I didn't want to fight you, either. I was happy to hand you over to the cops and let them decide your fate. But really, you're leaving me no other choice."

"Really?" Alex asked. "Why is that?"

"You just tried to bring down the good name of the Thorntons and frame them for Gabriel's murder," Beau said. "From now on, I must count you as my enemy."

Alex ran his fingers along the length of his sword. He was not at all daunted at facing all these men. "I always win my fights. No matter how big."

Maria scoffed. "This time, Alex, I think you might be a little out of your depth."

Beau took a few steps back and roared, "Kill him!"

In an instant, more than fifty Ghosts jumped to action and surrounded Alex. They were still confused about who was telling the truth. But, by this point, it didn't matter; they would be loyal to the Ramsdens.

Maria figured Alex was distracted by the Ghosts and wouldn't expect an attack from her. She raised her gun carefully, aimed it straight at Alex, and prepared to pull the trigger.

But before she could fire, the gun was forcefully knocked from her hand. Celeste had moved at lightning speed and was now pointing the gun in Maria's direction. In shock, Maria nursed her throbbing hand and looked confused. The Moon Palace cult is not to be messed with, she thought. How can one young woman have so much power?

"I think we can settle this without weapons," Celeste said. "It would be rude to spill blood here in this place of rest."

The Ghosts looked suspicious.

"It's a trick," Beau said to his men. "Keep your swords."

Celeste's expression hardened. So, this is how you want to play? she thought.

"I have no problem letting go of my sword," she said. Then, without taking her eyes off Beau, she let her blade fall to the ground. Then she carefully stooped down and placed the gun beside it.

Alex wasn't surprised. He understood the power of the Moon Palace and how highly skilled its members were in martial arts. With or without a weapon, Celeste could take on any one of these men.

As if reading his thoughts, Celeste launched forward. There was a blinding flash of light, and with one flick of her hand, she struck the face of one of the Ghosts. The force was so strong that three men stumbled and dropped to the floor. One of the men had collided with the sword of his friend, which caused a gash to his cheek. Blood began to drip from the wound, and he held up a trembling hand to stop it.

While the Ghosts looked at their three members on the floor, Celeste was quick to strike again. This time, she dealt a rapid succession of blows, knocking six men to the ground.

Four of the Ghosts closest to her moved forward and prepared to strike with their swords. Celeste gracefully dodged below their weapons and then swiftly popped up behind them. In an instant, she knocked them to the ground.

Some Ghosts who had been lurking in the background straightened themselves up and moved forward. They were furious at how this was playing out. How could our brothers have fallen so easily? they wondered. We need to fight without mercy.

As they approached her, Celeste continued to hold her head high, and her face showed no trace of fear.

The next group of men set upon her, but she dodged them, and within moments, they all lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Beau looked around helplessly. He had heard many stories about the power of the Moon Palace, but this was the first time he had witnessed it firsthand. She's had a good start, he thought. But surely, she couldn't possibly take out all these men.

"Drop your swords," he ordered the remaining Ghosts. "They're slowing you down. You can do this with your bare hands."

Celeste stood back and waited for the Ghosts to gather themselves. As soon as one of the men made the slightest move to kick, she brought the side of her hand down on his forehead. He instantly fell to the ground, clutching his head.

Before anyone could react, Celeste spun on the spot and performed a high kick, knocking three more Ghosts to the ground. Beau looked at them, encouraging the fallen men to get up again. He could see the shock in their eyes, and they couldn't get to their feet fast enough to launch a counterattack.

How is this so easy for her? he wondered. The Moon Palace is even stronger than I thought. But we can't quit now. He signaled to the men in the back and urged them to pick up their swords.

Three Ghosts moved forward, taking each step slowly. Celeste held her ground. Then, just as the Ghosts prepared to swing with their swords, Celeste spun again. With one kick, she sent the swords clanging to the floor. Two seconds later, as if moved by an invisible force, the Ghosts collapsed. They screamed with fright as they dropped to the ground.

From her position behind the Ghosts, Maria was getting tired of this fight. It seemed like the Ghosts' martial arts tactics were no match for Celeste, and yet Beau seemed happy to keep trying. Surely, we can do better than this, she thought. Then she caught the eye of one of the Thornton bodyguards and gave him a subtle nod.

Seconds later, the bodyguard raised his gun and aimed it directly at Celeste.

Before he could pull the trigger, Alex tossed a knife into the air. It shot straight across at the bodyguard and landed in his upper arm, causing him to drop his weapon. He struggled for a moment before falling to his knees. Around the protruding dagger, blood seeped onto his white shirt, and he scrunched his eyes in pain. After a few more seconds, he passed out.

The uninjured Ghosts whispered among themselves. They looked in horror at the wounded men in front of them, but they didn't dare move any closer. Maria turned toward Beau. He shook his head and shrugged at her; it was obvious he had no more tricks up his sleeve. She, too, felt defeated. She had not expected her bodyguard to be knocked out so easily.

"You started this," Alex reminded them.

The rest of Thornton's bodyguards shifted uncomfortably before slowly tucking their guns away. It was their job to protect Maria, but they weren't brave enough to point a gun at Alex or Celeste.

Then, from behind the car, two Ghosts emerged and slashed their swords at Celeste. She flipped high into the air, arcing right over their bodies, before landing behind them.

This time, she had not escaped unharmed. Though she showed no sign of pain, she had a slight cut on her forearm.

When they spotted her wound, the Ghosts began to feel some hope. Maybe this Moon Maiden isn't invincible after all, they thought.

A dozen of them began to step forward to help their colleagues finish the job.

Once again, Celeste was ready. This time, she raised one arm, palm facing upward. A lightning bolt flashed out from her hand, causing each of the Ghosts to drop their swords.

Just as fast as it had started, the light was gone, and everyone in the room was frozen to the spot. Celeste flicked a lock of hair from her face as her eyes shone brightly.