Ch 745 - Hitting a Wall

Alex made a couple of discreet phone calls and learned a few things about the director's tastes. Then he went to a liquor store, conferred with staff, and purchased a bottle of very fine wine. Deep down, he was furious. There were so many better ways he could use his money when so many people desperately needed help. If this resulted in the success of Slim Treasure, it would be worth it. But he still hated to give this greedy bastard anything.

After returning home, he took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. Then he called the director.

"Hello, Mr. Head. This is Alex Ambrose."

"Hello, Mr. Ambrose," Darius said. "I'm sorry; do I know you?"

This was not starting well. Alex had just spoken to the director on the phone a few days ago, and now the man claimed not to remember him.

"Mr. Head, I'm the producer of Slim Treasure," Alex reminded him. "We spoke earlier this week."

"Oh, yes," Darius responded. "What can I do for you, Mr. Ambrose?"

"Mr. Head, I'd very much like to come in and talk to you today about the promotion of my slimming powder. Would you have any time?"

"Today?" Darius asked. "Let me look at my schedule." He paused for a moment, and then he said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't possibly meet with you today. I'm accompanying the hospital CEO on a business trip, and we won't be back for several days. I'm sorry. I have to run. Goodbye, Mr. Ambrose." With that, he hung up.

Alex swore.

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "Well, it seems that Baltimore Central is off the list."

He had selected three hospitals for his initial marketing efforts but hadn't yet contacted the other two. Although they also had dedicated weight-loss clinics, they were smaller and not nearly as well-known, so he had really been depending on Baltimore Central.

As for the hospital where Lindsey had contacts, it really didn't meet Alex's needs. Baltimore Central Hospital, with its excellent reputation, treated some of the wealthiest and most influential people in Baltimore, whereas Baltimore General served a much wider group of people.

But his first choice had failed. They did not want to work with Alex or promote Slim Treasure.

Not unless he could get around Darius somehow.

He decided to call Christopher Doole at Baltimore General. Christopher was a long-time friend, and he knew a lot about the power dynamics in the city hospitals.

"Alex, what can I do for you?" Christopher was pleasantly surprised to hear from Alex.

"I need to ask you for a big favor," Alex said. "Do you know Darius Head, one of the directors over at Baltimore Central?"

"I do," Christopher said. "He has some power over there. Why? What's the matter?"

"I have a new weight-loss medication that I'm trying to promote at his hospital, but he's very uncooperative." Alex sighed. "He seems to have something against me. Can you help me find out about his background, connections, and status in the hospital?"

"I'd be glad to," Christopher assured him. "Alex, if we really can't get your new drug into Baltimore Central, then you can give it to me to promote. I still have some connections outside the hospital system. We can work through some independents. They've known me for a long time, and they trust me. It's hard for you because you're working with strangers, but I shouldn't have that problem. What do you think?"

"Thanks for the offer," Alex said. "I'll keep it in mind, but I don't want to give up on the hospital idea yet; if it works, it'll be much faster. If I can't do it, then I'll get in touch with you."

"Sounds good," Christopher replied. "I'll start gathering that information on Mr. Head right away."

They chatted for a few more minutes and then ended the call.

Alex lay back on the couch and looked at the expensive bottle of wine.

He was now in a very awkward position.

His funds were quite limited, and he had already decided not to accept any money from Lindsey, and he wasn't going to change his mind about that.

The Birchwood House funds were mainly used for real estate development. He wasn't willing to argue with its directors, and he didn't want to use those funds, anyway. That left only what he had available from his own investments. With the meager profits that the other branches of the company were generating, it was very difficult for him to spend money on advertising.

That was why he had decided to pitch his new medication directly to the hospital. All things considered, it was the best choice. He just hadn't expected that this critical first step of his plan would be stymied by a small department director.

I'm beginning to understand why people have such trouble starting new businesses, he thought. He shook his head and laughed.

He busied himself with ordinary household tasks for a while. When his phone rang, he grabbed it and answered.

"I've talked to somebody I know," Christopher said. "The situation seems to be a little unusual. It seems that Darius' connections run very deep."

"What do you mean?" Alex frowned.

"Well, I've learned that he's the brother-in-law of one of the hospital's vice presidents. He seems tight with a lot of the hospital's management. My contact didn't want to be specific." He sighed before he continued. "Alex, it's going to be very difficult, if not impossible, to succeed over at Baltimore Central. I think it's better to come to me."

Alex was getting frustrated. "Christopher, this makes no sense. Darius and I have nothing to do with each other. And being the brother-in-law of the hospital vice president isn't that tight of a connection. How can he be so powerful?"

Christopher sighed again. "It's not his background, but the vice president's. I've heard of him before. One of the deputy directors at the Food and Drug Administration is his brother-in-law, and he also has a lot of friends and relatives who hold important positions in the city."

"An FDA deputy director is his brother-in-law." Alex was troubled. He thought it over for a moment. "Christopher, I want to think about this some more before I decide what to do."

"Alex, we're like family," Christopher assured him. "If there's anything you need, I'm happy to help. Just ask."

"I know you're right, but I want to give it one more try," Alex said. "If I can't make it work, then I'll get back to you."

With that, they ended their call.