Ch 1002 - Family Secrets

While Alex and Debbie were having a moment of reconciliation on the streets of Paris, Flora was trying to find some time for herself. Since Alex had taken that tramp, Debbie, to Paris, Gideon had become somewhat clingier. Justin still wasn't answering Gideon's calls, or Flora's texts, and Gideon's anxiety about it was smothering Flora. She needed a break. 

When she told Gideon she needed a break, he looked at her sadly for a long time. Then, his face lit up.

"How about I go fishing?" he suggested. 

To Flora, that was perfect. It would give her at least the morning to herself to enjoy some peace and quiet. At most, she would get the entire day. Whenever Gideon went fishing, he would only come home when he had enough for that day's dinner, and a couple of extra fish. Flora anticipated a nice, quiet day to herself. 

She lounged on the sofa in the living room with an interior design magazine open on her lap. The new interior of the house in the woods had really grown on her. Although, they were looking at getting a home in the Maldives, and she wanted to have complete control over how it looked. 

"Oh, now that is beautiful," she muttered as she turned the page. It showed a couple on a white, sandy beach, displaying an outdoor dining set that was designed to sit in the water. Flora picked up a pen and drew a circle around the catalog number, determined to have that set included when they furnished the house. 

[SFX: phone ringing]

Flora looked up, disturbed by the sudden phone call. She picked up her phone and winced when she saw the name on the display: Lincoln Ambrose. 

A jolt of panic raced through her. Her father-in-law rarely called her. If he did, it was usually because he couldn't get through to Gideon, his son. Given that Gideon took minimal technology with him whenever he went fishing - usually just a camera and his watch - that's probably why Lincoln was calling. 

Flora screened the call and stood up, folding the magazine and heading to the kitchen. She set both her phone and the magazine on the kitchen table and went to make herself a cup of tea.

[SFX: phone ringing]

Flora slammed her hands down on the kitchen counter and let out an exasperated sigh. She went over to the dining table and checked her phone's display screen. She closed her eyes and massaged her forehead, tension creeping into her shoulders. 

What could he possibly want? She thought.

Lincoln usually wasn't so insistent when he called, and this insistence worried her slightly. Usually, if she hung up, he wouldn't call back right away. 

She let the phone ring out, and all was silent for a few moments. 

[SFX: phone ringing]

Another jolt of panic rocked through her and she gasped, putting her hands over her mouth and bending over. 

A part of her was screaming, "Don't answer!" but if Lincoln was so insistent as to call not once, not twice, but three times, then he wasn't calling for no reason. She had known for a while that Lincoln wasn't well, although he had never been explicit about it.   

It's probably nothing, she told herself, picking up the phone. It vibrated in her hand. 

She considered letting it ring out and go to voicemail again. She also considered letting it go to voicemail, then sending him a text message to ask him if he could just text, or to give her the highlights of whatever he wanted to say. She preferred texting anyway. It gave her evidence if she ever needed it in an argument, or to remind herself of plans she had made. 

He'll just keep calling, she thought. Better to just answer and let him say whatever he's calling to say. Why can't he just text or leave a voice message like a normal person?

Taking a deep breath to brace herself, she answered the phone. 

"You're unusually persistent," she said.

"Good day to you too, Flora," Lincoln said. She could hear the smirk in his voice. "How is everything?"

Flora bristled. "As fine as it can be," she said. "Alex took Debbie with him to Paris."

"I thought they broke up?" Lincoln asked. 

Now how does he know that? Flora wondered. She considered asking him, but decided against it. Lincoln could be persistent in more ways than getting someone to answer the phone. If he wanted to know something, he would find it out.  Flora decided to just leave it. 

"And how are things with you?" she asked in her sweetest, and calmest, voice. 

On the other end of the phone, Lincoln sighed. "Things are progressing," he said, sounding deflated. "Things are moving forward. However, not all of them are good."

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said. 

"Don't be sorry," said Lincoln. There was a brief pause. "Justin has been a marvelous help. You've raised a conscientious and industrious young man. You should be proud."

Flora felt relief flood through her. "That's good to hear," she said. "We've been having trouble getting through to him recently. Can you ask him to start responding? We're getting worried over here."

"I don't think that would be a good idea," Lincoln said, a note of warning in his voice. "You see, Justin is about to learn some rather shocking news. I'm just calling to give you ample time to prepare."

Flora's blood ran cold. Her mind went back to a time years ago, when Gideon had been traveling all over the country, and in some instances the world, for work. She had been weak, and sought comfort in the arms of many men. Lincoln included. Around the time, there was some crossover, and she had always assumed Gideon was Justin's father. But then, there were moments where she'd catch Justin's profile, or he would look at something a certain way, she would begin to have doubts.

"Lincoln," she asked in a shaky voice. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," he said, "that Justin is about to learn something about himself. And you had better remain quiet. Stay quiet, let me handle things, and you can remain innocent in all of this. However, if I find out that you've opened your mouth and tried to take ownership, I can make things so much worse for you. Do you understand?"

Flora didn't answer. A bitter taste filled her mouth. She vaguely heard Lincoln say, "That's what I thought" before he hung up. The line went dead, and Flora took the phone away from her ear. 

All hope for a peaceful day had been obliterated. So, she did the only thing she knew would work: she went shopping. She walked through countless stores, buying things that made her feel pretty, ordering things for the house, and trying to forget about Lincoln. She didn't know how much time she had before it all dropped. 

She found herself sitting in a coffee shop, a big white mug filled with a skinny cappuccino in front of her. She took a sip, but it tasted like nothing, not for the lack of sugar, but because she couldn't taste anything. 

I need to talk to someone, she realized. I'm doomed no matter what.

Taking out her phone, she texted Alex, asking if he was free. 

His reply read, "Not for long. What's up?"

She replied, "Can I call?"

She didn't wait for a response. She called her son. 

The phone rang twice, then went straight to voicemail.

"Hi, you've reached Alex. Sorry I'm not available to take your call right now. I'm currently in Paris and might not have the best reception. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!"

Flora's heart sank and she hung up shortly before the tone played.

Of course he's going to screen your calls, she thought, panicking. He doesn't want to talk to you. Not after what he found out about you, and how you alost destroyed your family. You shouldn't be bothering him with your nonsense, anyway.

She sat down on the sofa and buried her face in her hands, sighing heavily. Her thoughts were weighing heavy on her, and she felt as if someone, or something was testing her resolve. She felt alone in the world, as if she had no one to turn to.

Lincoln's going to blackmail me, she thought, horrified. The truth is going to come out, and I'm going to lose everything. I'll lose Gideon, I'll lose Alex, I might even lose Justin. I can't lose them. I need someone to help me through this.

Bracing herself, Flora picked up the phone and tried to call Alex again.

"Hi, you've reached Alex. Sorry I'm not available to take your call right now. I'm currently in Paris and might not have the best reception. Please leave a message after the tone and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!"

Flora took a dep breath as the tone played, then spoke:

"Hi, Alex, it's your mom. I know we're not on the best of terms right now, but please call me back." She paused, thinking. "There's been a development in some of the issues we discussed not too long ago, so if you could call me back, you're the only person who understands why this, in particular, is quite tricky. Please, Alex, call me back."

She hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. She sat back on the sofa.

Of course, she realized, laughing slightly. He's in Paris, he's busy with the convention. He'll call me back when he has a spare minute or two.

She busied herself for an hour with some cleaning, the television playing in the background. After that, she called him back.

"Hi, you've reached Alex. Sorry I'm not available to take your call right now. I'm currently in Paris…"

Her heart sank again as the voicemail message played.

"Hi Alex," she said after the tone. "Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to check in. As I mentioned in my last message, there have been some developments. Please. Call me back."

She hung up thinking, It's only one message. What's the harm in one more message?

Flora sat on the sofa, holding her phone in her hands and biting her lip. Surely, Alex wouldn't mind if she called again? Or sent a text message?

He won't mind, she thought, as she typed out a text. Once it was sent, an anxious feeling took her over.

So, she dialled again.