I Never Taught you Anything!

Everly arrived back at the mansion, and the moment she stepped inside, she met Valerio seated on the couch in the living room with his head rested back.


"Sir Avalanzo…" She called and Valerio raised his head.


"Where did you go?" He asked in a neutral tone.


"Um… I went to do something for urg-"


"Nehemiah told me that. I am asking where you particularly went." His lazy eyes fixed on the direction he could hear her voice sounding from.


 "Oh…um… I just went to get my test result from the hospital." She replied.


"Are you sick or something?" As though concerned, Valerio asked in a slightly worried tone.


"No…not exactly." Everly shook her head as she walked to sit down on the sofa opposite him. "My body has just been acting really strangely for a month now, so I wanted to find out what the problem is, but as disappointing as it is, it all came out negative. So I am still clueless." She explained.


"I see." Valerio stood up from the couch and reached his hand out to her. "I like my bath now." He spoke to her.


Everly nodded and grabbed a hold of his hand, but before they could take a step forward, Valerio stopped and turned his head to face her with a deep frown settled in between his brows.


"Are you hurt?" He asked with a bit of apprehension in his eyes.


Everly looked at him, puzzled, and shook her head slowly.


"No… Why do you ask?" She inquired.


"You reek of blood." He replied.


"Ye! W-what do you mean?" Extremely confused, Everly fluttered her eyes at him.


"Are you deaf? I said you smell of blood." Now actually annoyed, Valerio frowned at her.


"B-but I am not hurt or anything." She shook her head at him.


"Really? Then does that mean that you're on your monthly thing?" He asked casually, and Everly fluttered her eyes at him.


"No… I am not. Why did you just ask that so casually?" She inquired, knowing fully well how men react to such a thing.


Valerio arched his brow at her and looked at her in disbelief. "And why shouldn't I? Am I supposed to be disgusted or what?" He questioned.


"Well, not exactly. Sort of—well, I don't know." Everly stuttered.


"You are unbelievable!" Valerio scowled at her. "Do you mind washing up first before I do? I am avoiding something." He asked, and although bewildered, Everly nodded.


"Okay, if that is what you want."


She shrugged and led him upstairs to his room.


She returned to hers and proceeded into the bathroom.


She began to take her clothes off, but that's when she discovered that her jacket was tainted with blood.


"Shit!" She cursed, realizing that it was definitely stained from the earlier occurrence.


But hold on...


Rewind back to when Valerio said she reeks of blood; how does he know that?


Does he have a nose for blood or something? because even she, who had the blood on her body could not even smell it.


It's not even her own blood!


Okay, it might sound crazy, but sometimes she can't help but wonder about a lot of things.


There are just a lot of weird things about Valerio that she can't seem to figure out.


For example, how exactly is he able to hear her thoughts? Also, sometimes he moves faster than a normal human should.


She recalls the day they had fought; he had arrived before her in a blink of an eye.


To be truthful, she had felt her soul flee her body because that was something she had never seen before.


A deep sigh fled her nose, and heavy curiosity overwhelmed her.


Well, she might as well find out today.


Her lips curled up into a smile, and she took her bath.


She dressed up in casual sweatpants and a top, then brushed her hair.


She made her way toward Valerio's bedroom and left two light knocks on the door.


Valerio gave her permission, and she stepped in to see him plopped down on the bed, with his hair scattered all over and his eyes gazing at the ceiling as though he could see something.


"Sir Avalanzo-"


"You're such a chatterbox." Valerio spoke to her before she could finish her sentence. "But don't worry, I don't mind; I am used to it now." He completed. 

"Sir Avalanzo…"


"You know, I was thinking about getting earplugs, but then again, I am used to your tiny squeaking voice. So, it's fine." He shrugged.


Everly stared at him, and unable to help it, she burst into laughter with her hands clutching her belly, leaving Valerio completely confused.


"Why... are you laughing? Do you think it's funny? I am being serious in case you think I am joking." He scowled at her. 


"I know. I know you are being serious, hahahaha, but I just can't—I just can't hahahaha help it." Everly sealed her lips, trying to control herself.

Valerio lazily flashed his eyes at her. "So then, why are you laughing? Do I look funny to you? Is there something on my face?" He asked, a bit cautiously.


"No! It's just, since my voice is so tiny, what do you need earplugs for? Is the function of your hearing that poor?" She asked with a smirk on her lips.


"You—" Valerio furiously blinked, unable to believe what he just heard her say. "Did you just indirectly insult me?" He questioned.


"Yes. I mean, I am learning from you. Aren't I a good student?" She inquired as she began to walk towards him.


"I never taught you anything! What exactly are you implying, woman?" He asked and Everly chuckled softly.


"Well, you didn't teach me directly, but indirectly." Remember when you called me a brainless bird?" She arched her brow as she began to unbutton his shirt.

"Well, you were being brainless that day! I mean, who the hell makes green tea like that? Such poor quality!" Valerio clicked his tongue at her.


"Well, you were being dumb in this case too! Because who would want to buy earplugs when what they hear isn't even loud? Does that make sense to you?" She scoffed as she took his shirt off.


A slight frown ensued on Valerio's face and he parted his lips to speak. "You know what, it should have been brainless chicken because honestly, calling you a brainless bird is a huge compliment." He narrowed his eyes at her, and Everly's jaw dropped.


"W-what do you mean by that?" She questioned.


"You see, birds have more brains compared to a chicken. CHICKENS do nothing but run around and bark until your ears bleed. Which perfectly describes you!" He shrugged.


"You! Chickens don't even bark!" Everly glared at him.


"Whatever, I don't care. Just don't ever think you can win something I started." Valerio scowled.


"Well, at least you know you started it." She pouted and walked with him into the bathroom.


She filled the tub and turned to him.


"Can I wash your hair for you?" She suddenly asked.